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Goodbye, Angeldust.

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 33

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# 11



7 năm trước

Haha good riddance. You were warned lots of times already, so you only have yourself to blame.

# 12



7 năm trước

I was warned "lots of times" already? Oh, then please give me every single time that I was warned, Acer. I'd love to know the "many" times that I was, as you just said, warned.

# 13



7 năm trước

I do not have time nor mood to find all your warnings but here: by Firefly 5 days ago Guys and girls; Oxygen. Final warning. Please split up if you can not play together. There is room enough for everyone and inappropriate behavior/language will get you banned. Your call. # 4 by Firefly 6 days ago Hey guys, try to have fun and just play the game together; there's room enough for everyone to build cool stuff and you don't need to stay around players you don't want to be around. Oxygen: you did type some rather inappropriate things in the in-game chat. Please (all) try to watch your language.

# 14



7 năm trước

In this forum by FireFly himself, go find them yourself i aint your slave. The one where you pretended you got hacked is a good example :)

# 15



7 năm trước

Proof that I "pretended" to be hacked? And Midori, I'm pretty sure that that is only two times I was warned, not "lots of times".

# 16



7 năm trước

The burden of proof is not on our side. If you have extraordinary claims then we require extraordinary evidence from you. Especially while we already agreed from evidence provided that you are not telling us the truth because times did not match your claims. Also getting warned about chat, then get warned about bigger and worse thing you did and then getting banned for chat that was previous warning for is pretty reasonable already. Then again I'm not gonna spend day digging other possible warnings as they are not important because I've provided more than enought.

# 17



7 năm trước

If you have no evidence besides 2 warnings, then you have no case. And besides, why would I give you "extraordinary evidence" from me? Why would I deliberately want to incriminate myself? You say that these things are not important. If they aren't important, then stop being a constant thorn in my side and do your thing, while I do mine. Such idiocy.

# 18



7 năm trước

Ignoring evidence does not make it invalid or non-existent. You had your chance,several times ... and you still could not walk the line at least for 1 week.How can we expect someone that can not be nice and not break rules for 7days to ever change? You:I'm magician and magic is real , I also ride pink unicorn to Mars once a week. Prove me wrong. Me:Burden of proof is not on my side+there is valid record of people debunking your claims and you have great history of bein' lier. If It does not make any sense in your twisted brain then there is no helping you. +Your account is your problem read TOS so again It does not even matter what you say on this . Good night.

# 19



7 năm trước

What you said made no sense, Midori. You're the one who is twisted.

# 20



7 năm trước

Bucky hate oxygen very much,i see........ Nvm tomorrow 17:00 UTC meet my gang at LA

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 33

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