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Oxygen's response to being banned

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 31–33 của 33

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# 31



7 năm trước

Quote:It would be kind of funny if it's revealed that almost everyone on the forum has been an Oxygen alt account all along. :D Response:Well It may not be just your wild imagination,here is oxygen's post 7h ago Quote:by Oxygenated 7 hours ago To get it out of the way, Geonat is my brother so if the IP address is the same, that's the reason why. You also can't just say it's me just from that information. Proven until guilty, hm? Me:This was posted after one player suggested checking IP adress of multiple accounts , lets pretend it is his brother for real,then it is brother with level 0 account with 0 gold and 0 time spend ingame vomiting all over the forum. That are already 3 accounts belonging to same IP confirmed. There is X of uncomfirmed accounts that belong to him. I would need to pretend very hard to be surprised if he had more accounts than 3. Maybe I'm oxygen and you are oxygen too. Stop breathing or there will be less oxygen left.

# 32



7 năm trước

NO IM OXYGEN! (spartacus reference)

# 33



7 năm trước

What a twist! And every time I think "Well, this surely has to be it," things become even stranger..

Bưu kiện 31–33 của 33

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