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Oxygen's response to being banned

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 33

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# 21



7 năm trước

It doesn't mean quarreling win will win,a psycho or a crazy guy got anger easily may actually kill you on street one day. I've gone through these,you have to be patient,stupid people always show off to win a quarrel,clever people always comes at the back

# 22



7 năm trước

Just try dont use those words,be more high classed

# 23



7 năm trước

yooo wtf?? dont bad mouth my boy firefly :@

# 24



7 năm trước

yooo wtf?? dont bad mouth my boy firefly :@

# 25



7 năm trước

For anyone wondering, here's a list of situations where it's okay to use racist or bigoted words or phrases: 1. 2. 3. Thank you for reading. As long as you only use them in the circumstances above, you'll be just fine. ;)

# 26



7 năm trước

INDEED mauto INDEED 👍 like firefly would say

# 27



7 năm trước

Mauto 1.Cats are superior to men 2.Men are inferior to cats 3.*meow*HSSappiens.. Did I use your example correctly

# 28



7 năm trước

@EveryoneSupportingOxygen Greetings EveryoneSupportingOxygen, Recently, I have come down with the flu so I have not been able to be online but I am seeing a lot of things regarding Oxygen's ban so allow me to apply my input on the situation. I've know Oxygen ever since I began my journey on Angeldust. As such, I've gotten to know him pretty well and he seems fairly cool. Later on around two or three days later after knowing him, he proceeded to troll me by placing explosives all around my house and path that I was constructing to "troll" me however, the aggro'd mobs blew multiple bombs up and as such, caused damage to my builds. He also made a video claiming his innocence. Since that day, I have removed him but have kept some contact with him. With this being said, he has been known for using a lot of racial slurs and even to go as far as to use them as insults towards others. FireFly has warned him countless times to stop these actions but he as persisted on continuing and as such, he was banned. There is no reason to complain and appeal for him as all bans are final. No one has ever gotten a second chance before and they shouldn't be able to now. Oxygen has been caught on multiple accounts for griefing and bad language and has also been warned multiple times like stated before. Just because Oxygen participated in the GPS and did some good deeds doesn't excuse the fact that he has done all of these things in the past and furthermore, recently as well. He has been given his chance and he blew it. Hearing all of you complain about his ban makes me think that a lot of you didn't really know him for who he really was. He may have a good side to him but I've yet to see it. Have a good night. ~ Solvage

# 29



7 năm trước

Oxygen related threads left realm of reason long time ago. We need to wait for FF to just delete threads and stop futher escalation of toxicity in this community.Giving him perma ban in the forum to stop him from creating million accounts to spam it here would be nice too as he already used some of his multi accounts to deffend him this morning and even admitted it they are his. :^) Kthxbye <3

# 30



7 năm trước

Agreed. These threads only fuel the tire fire that none of us want burning in the first place. The community here is still in the earliest stages, but so far has shown itself to be almost entirely pleasant people who genuinely enjoy the game and value their input and ideas being heard both by the developer and fellow players. In all honesty, this is one of the most polite and 'self-policed' communities I've run into. Growing pains will be inevitable, but I think Firefly and his direct contact with the player base has and will continue to keep things running smoothly, with only the occasional hiccup here or there :) That said, I do appreciate this thread for the moment anyways, as it clears up any questions I may have had about that player, as I only knew my own limited personal interactions with them prior to this. It's nice to see so many others really embracing the goal of maintaining a welcoming community, and I very much appreciate the efforts of everyone for working so hard towards that end. It would be kind of funny if it's revealed that almost everyone on the forum has been an Oxygen alt account all along. :D

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 33

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