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Future Update: Disables building, Claim-To-Build

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Bưu kiện 11–20 của 20

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# 11



7 năm trước

I doubt Firefly would prevent us from building together, he probably just wants to do that to stop griefers from destroying everything so you're just limited to your claimed land, same as he wants to encourage us on adventuring together, so simply being able to invite people to your party and there having the option to allow them to build on your Claimed land, also including party chat, would probably be best option.

# 12



7 năm trước

I think most of those things listed weren't even intended and made the game less fun and a lot more messy. How many times have you spammed blocks to significantly reduce the effort needed to kill or escape a tough creature and removed them after? Group up, sprint, or work through it, there are more than enough trees and terrain to use against creatures as is, not that it's needed. As for claims, just count and study the grid. An administrative system/ui for allowing specific people to build within your claims? Sounds like a lot of work even if made through the website. Would probably come with a lot of problems and drama as well. It's better this way for so many reasons, one being that Firefly is a solo-developer and there are so many other cool features he could be working on like pvp.

# 13



7 năm trước

When you talk about something that is 99% of current game [building] and compare it to pvp that can not be competitive and will be popular in small % of playerbase [because PVP always is less popular than pve in mmo games] with exceptation when game itself is one big death match [counter strike] or rewards for pvp reach extremes .

# 14



7 năm trước

Not sure how you got those statistics but I'm confident they're wrong. There are people who enjoy both sides or each side separately, PVP/PVE. If we're talking MMOs, PVP is a focus in almost all of them. PVE is typically following quests and grinding mobs. PVP is typically competing against other players whether in score or objective. As you should know, PVP is usually endgame and is what keeps players playing the game after everything else while they wait for the next update/expansion. Voxel games are unique in that they don't typically need PVP since its focus is creation and not PVP such as other MMOs, but MMOs with both PVE and PVP have a much larger lasting player base. Kinda going a little off topic here but yeah, not sure what your point was Midori, but PVP would attract and keep a lot more players playing than not.

# 15



7 năm trước

If we got PvP anytime soon you would be seeing just thread after thread spamming about how scout is unfair and unbalanced againts other 2 classes, so PvP is still quite far from making it into the game, if ever.

# 16



7 năm trước

Yeah scout will be the issue not self healing sorc or builder that runs around tree spaming turrets. anyway that is offtopic.

# 17



7 năm trước

That's precisely why Firefly is going to dedicate an entire live stream to talking to the player-base about how PVP can work. It seems high up there on the list of features he wants to roll out before the games' official release.

# 18



7 năm trước

Just put in a decay system. dont go the cheap route

# 19



7 năm trước

You're right off topic but scout continuously slowing each one of them, not even able to get close for a knight or mage to even move away from them would make scout the most playable class for PvP, and probably only class, and builder would be dead before turrets even start hitting the right target, even if you're the only target....

# 20


Cari Freybren

7 năm trước

I'm glad this update is landing, this will practically disable all the people crying about grief. This will also force players to go out and kill monsters / Form groups. I'm glad with and approve this update.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 20

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