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New block builds

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 28

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# 11



6 năm trước

... and it goes without saying that for PvP, I should be able push my opponent into the lava :P

# 12


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Firefly... I like most of the changes, except, with the black marble block and the black cobble block. I've used the red chaos crystal with those blocks in many of my builds. It would give the block a nice reddish/glow color. Sure, there's a red marble block, now, but it's not the same, and that doesn't help what I already have built, which is extensive. Also, the red marble block looks more pink than red. I'm really sorry for being so negative here, especially since you're proud of what you've accomplished with the game, but how can I look at what I've built over the past year with the same proud feeling, when most everything is black? Can you give those blocks the characteristics they had? Thanks...

# 13


space is green

6 năm trước

Firefly is the ultimate griefer in Angeldust :P

# 14



6 năm trước

Sounds great! :D

# 15



6 năm trước

@Kamikaze Justice: it's… difficult. I really, really, really disliked the old look of the Red and Violet light overpowering everything. It's something that has been bothering me for *years* and much happier with the way light interacts now. I've yet to find a build or spot in the world where I'm not happy with the result of toning down the color effect. It allows the blocks' true color to shine. I've also added more 'hard' material transitions for smooth materials for better contrast. I 100% understand that for some builds and combinations the new lighting is a radical change, without an easy way to replicate the old effect. I think the addition of red, pink and purple blocks allows for even more color diversity than before. So far I've been talking about 'I', let's talk about 'you'. I'll address KJ, but essentially all of you. The other day I took a sneak peek at your city. You should feel, and be, proud of it. It's big, it's bold, it's beautiful. It's great, no matter what it looks like. A true labor of love. Even if I were to strip all textures from the game (sounds tempting), make it black-and-white (à la space) or replace everything with lava blocks, it'll always be amazingly impressive. There will be additional *drastic* visual changes coming in the future. Some I can talk about, some I can't yet, but it's always to make Angeldust better and more accessible to new players. How about we reevaluate the change in a few weeks? Maybe our points of view will converge naturally.

# 16



6 năm trước

Dear Firefly, I want to propose my idea for a new update. It seems to me that the game is a bit boring, it would be interesting if the game has "Achievements" or "Quests". Also, it would be good if a certain number of blocks were given coins, for example: 1000 units - would give 200 coins, 2,500 blocks and would give 1000 coins.

# 17


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Firefly... thanks, for the attempt to calm me down. I'll just have to tell myself that 'black' is exciting, or maybe, I can use the next year getting rid of all, or most, of the black blocks. At first, I didn't like the colors bleeding into the blocks, but I learned to live with it. I became fond of the red light bleeding into the black blocks. The purple light was overwhelming, though, so I only used it to give light while building. There's another change that happened... what used to give my black blocks a nice bright red hue has now given my white blocks a pink color that wasn't there before. For example... I built a long tunnel that had a red/white striped road w/ bright red walls that now has black walls w/ a black and pink striped road. Maybe, the pink wasn't noticeable before, but certainly is now. I'll probably be changing a lot of white blocks. I do feel that I've been griefed. With all that said, I know, you're doing your best and will have a great product when it's finished. Good luck!

# 18



6 năm trước

I can somewhat relate to you on this KJ, i had built many things to make look certain way using the glow effect and without it the whole characteristics of that building changes. That being said i used to hate the glow effect. I had to learn how to use it to make nice colour combination and just like then i'm sure i can find new awesome combos without glow effect plus now i can use lanterns more indoors to create lightning. The glow effect was too overpowering for that purpose. Maybe we should get new glowing blocks/lanterns for that kind of overpowering glow effects?

# 19



6 năm trước

Here's an idea for the ultimate builder ... (you know I love the slash commands and long for Firefly to implement them... WTB: /dance) On a per claim basis .. you get inside the claim (that you have build permissions on) and type: /substitute "Black cobble" "Glowing black cobble" and every block in the claim is magically changed! ... ok ok you youngin's hate typing ... so perhaps FF makes it a GUI Can you imagine the time you'll save??? especially if the 2nd argument can be NULL! (Insta shovel!) I've also imagined marking a starting block (3D: lower,left,front and upper,right,rear) then click shovel and every block in the volume defined is removed!

# 20


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

Regarding to the argument I am glad that when I see a chaos crystal....I don't lose my sight anymore ...idk ...this intense light coming from a shaped block not only would spoil the environment around also the glow is too bright not to mention that these bright colors were extremely irrelevant (white,purple and red ...seriously) I know KJ'base is around that element but all the other player's builds wound not want that ..i guess Also regarding the building tools...they are JUST what I need...I mean who would want to start digging for hours and hours and placing the same block over and over again .For carrier was on a shallow rain forest ...if I didn't have any help ...I would still be building the carrier ....OR the TONS of steel I used to create the ship....from keel to the satellite dish...I mean these stuff are just boring ...a true builder should not be having to deal with problems such as these

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 28

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