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About the 3.0

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6 năm trước

So the 3.0 Poster you saw on FF Wall during live stream and on FB&TW Which mean 3.0 update is real and massive here's what i think might changed and released PVP- A Player Versus Player Mode which requsted by me and some users for tons of time Classes Nerfs- Classes are being optimize and changed a little for balancing New Blocks - Idk which block probz cement block New Mobs- Something that is beyond Hydra and damn powerfull Cave system- Idk about this just a random cave generation throught the world might find a great treasure Stats system - Stats system that i requested usefull if pvp is added [ 3 point for each lvl up] Skill System - we dont rely on each weapons instead we uses skills [ 1 point for each lvl up] Anyway that's what i think of what may be added just some random thoughts by me FF might not be releasing those stuff as i mentioned

# 2



6 năm trước

^^ Speculation at it's best right there... ;)

# 3



6 năm trước

PvP would be great ^^ thx for your Speculation :D

# 4



6 năm trước

PvP is coming in v2.23+ (current is v2.21) ... v3.0 will introduce a fee to download the game (unless you create an before then)

# 5


Liutenant joseph

6 năm trước

gg then

# 6


Calutul fericit

6 năm trước

i cant wait for this update!!!!!!!i love all of the new features

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Since we're speculating... 1. When in PvP mode, maybe it can be implemented where comments to "friends" cannot be seen by hostile/unfriendly players. 2. Choose a pet (i.e. bird, cat, dog, bear) to fight by your side, and that pet has all the skills and characteristics as the game creature, not a watered down version. 3. Have doors sold at shop that can only be opened by the owner of the claimed land and his "friends". 4. Have it so hostile players cannot see your name under your hero (on the screen). Will make the hero more stealthy to the enemy. #1, #3, and #4 ideas will give the PvP teams privacy in their meetings inside the game. 5. Allow the duration of our run last longer, like 10 seconds, instead of the 6, or so, seconds we get now. 6. Allow the removal of purple pods and red rocks from our claimed lands. 7. Add a new hero (i.e. The Ranger) that can use either a sword or crossbow. Essentially, he's the male version of the scout, only he can use a sword, also. 8. Remove the comment,"And now we found the loot and we're happy" from the Builder. 9. Add new creatures: Flying Piranhas. 10. Make the Water clear and blue, and we can go through it and swim under the water. We can even drown. 11. We feel major pain when we touch the lava. 12. Add a Fire Block (w/ animation) that gives pain and light.

# 8



6 năm trước

I think it is no longer just speculation since firefly did mention lava inflicting damage in future. Fire block was something i wished for since the day i started playing AD and right now im quite pleased with lava block as "fire" Doors that can only be opened by friends would also be nice or if the doors would atleast lock monsters out i would love that.

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

I could be wrong, but I don't think Firefly wants the lava to do major damage, as I do, according to his comment in another thread (i.e. "New Block Builds"). Unlike lava, fire would (or should) have a flicker to it, which I think would add to the atmosphere at night time.

# 10


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Some more speculation... Add a 3D (anaglyphic) option to AD. I have my 3D glasses ready. I noticed, Minecraft has this option. AD has the potential of being bigger, better, and badder than Minecraft because AD's graphics are already bigger, better, and badder.

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