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No more empty cities

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–24 của 24

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# 21



6 năm trước

@Swaleha: remember to note your time zone, 8:30 am might be any time :) @warangel, @Jazel: There is "Play together" button on your telecharger that will try to find to bring you to other players Also you might be interrested in reading this post: More, Firefly does live streams where you can meet other players and make new friends

# 22



6 năm trước

Empty cities is a big problem in other rpg's too. In there are many "ghost towns" that used to have a vibrant community, but no more. There should be a house timeout, and then it gets destroyed and given to a new player if that person doesn't log on in (n) days. (I don't know what (n) should be.)

# 23



6 năm trước

The idea of a dynamic village with houses being rearranged based on player activity has been in my mind for years now. It's still very high on my wish list, but there's a lot of technical issues that I need to work out. A dynamic village would also mean that people shift away from their currently 'known' neighborhood. You can always get back there if you claimed there, but otherwise your original location might get lost forever.

# 24



6 năm trước

I changed my mind,I won't give up the idea of creating a guild.At the moment that your reading this text I already send to Firefly a new goal for this guild.if firefly accepts my idea I would create a new forum would specify be about the new goal of this future guild to recruit players who would be interested. For the player who only see the pass, who want to stay in their shit, go make yourself! I see the future and I want it to become reality. I saw in this forum that more than 300 players have look at this forum only 22 answered. If firefly accepts my idea and then I create a new forum, don't be shy, answer! for those who are like me alone, who can not stand to see this game empty, who see the future and he wants it to be realized.For players who see that pass, good luck .....

Bưu kiện 21–24 của 24

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