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Team Deathmatch and Conquermod ?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 23

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5 năm trước

Greetings all of you once! After all, it is known that Firefly was so friendly to roll the PvP mode in and we thank him for that. Nevertheless, I and some others had imagined a little differently. We thought of the possibility to form a team / clan with his friends and then, as far as the majority of the team members agree, declare a feud to another team / clan or accept it. If you are not in the mood for the competition, you can simply leave the clan. In a conquest feud it would be allowed to demolish buildings of the other clan / team. But not in Deathmatch. In both cases, it should be possible to build tools such as ladders. In conquest, even catapults or tribes that can throw stones like mammoths or trolls. What do you all mean ? Does that sound good? Do you have any other suggestions or possibilities for improvement? Write in!

# 2


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Since you asked... I've brought up some of this before, and other ideas are new... First, make PvP battles integrated with the Angeldust game, and don't make it two separate games. Make it so we can build on all land that's not claimed. On that land is where we can have PvP battles. Anyone can destroy buildings... tear them down.. build them up... and exhaust each other. If people are on our friends list, we cannot exhaust them... so we can only exhaust players that aren't on our friends list. Also, could make it to where those with less than a Level 10 (or some other level) character cannot play PvP (including, not being able to build or destroy on unclaimed land)... that way they'll be protected if they're new to the game, and still learning. That's what I have for right now...

# 3



5 năm trước

I agree great ideas

# 4



5 năm trước

That's a really good view and would certainly bring a whole new gaming experience. On the other hand, if you are not a beginner, you would be afraid to get involved in a fight when you meet a foreign player. There are always players who have quite a destructiveness. Such players complement those to which I also count myself, who in turn likes to fortress ect. build and repair. The "clan system" would provide enough time to rebuild. Perhaps it should be added that during a "clan war" the clan members, if they wish, make their own areas available for them. Until the "clan war" (limited in time) is over, then free construction and absolute destruction would be possible for both clans. What do you all mean?

# 5



5 năm trước

In addition, the whole "clan" thing could be managed via the teleporter, the polls, the territories and the clans (or the "clan overview").

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Here's an addition to my comment above... If you're on your own claimed land, then you're immune from any PvP attacks. This is so a person can build in peace. When you leave your claimed land, anything goes. If a person has permission to build on someone's claimed land, then he, too, is protected from any PvP attacks.

# 7



5 năm trước

Good ideas. Forming alliances and waging war between clans are part of my original design document for Angeldust. Due to time constraints I wasn't able to add them to the game yet, but they're still in my mind from time to time. Brainstorming on this is much appreciated. I also understand that the current PvP is different to what some players wanted, but again—given the time I had—it was kind of the best I could come up with. It shows potential as I had a lot of fun with it on stream already, but there's lots of room for improvement. So keep the ideas coming and keep in mind that I'm doing the entire development of the game on my own :D

# 8



5 năm trước

Thank you so much, this kind of "clan system" would improve a lot and bring a whole new wind into Angeldust. Last but not least, it would most likely make Angeldust a lot more popular and famous than it already is. Thus, Angeldust could once again win by a few inlet and as it says so beautifully: "the more the better"! I think that some would be very happy about it and I will like to write it next time as an improvement proposal in the associated forum. :-D "So keep the ideas coming and keep in mind that I'm doing the entire development of the game on my own: D" Of course we are aware of that, which is why we appreciate your work so incredibly. We also have no problem with such extensive development (the ability to provide specific territories, forming alliances and, with the consent of others, to declare wars) might even take several years. Rather, the worry that it may eventually be forgotten a little bit drives us here in particular. Having the certainty that it will be the next big goal would not only calm us down, but also make our anticipation grow into immeasurable! XD Greetings once again and thank you all and especially Firefly!

# 9



5 năm trước

First of all, I introduced myself to the "clan system" as well as "Zypher" and am thrilled that I'm not the only one with the idea!But I still have an independent additional question: My request is, the Angeldust (UMBEDINGT !!!) for PS4 (PlayStation 4) appeared (meaning synonymous for XBOX -_-). I would just be enthusiastic and the control is anyway already perfectly adapted for PS4 xD

# 10



5 năm trước

Greetings first, Some of us would like to suggest a "clan system" for the future updates. This in turn includes the following points: 1. The ability to form clans and / or join. 2. To ally with clans (to form alliances) and to declare war on them or on others alone, for a limited time. 3. As a member of the clan, select your own territories and make them available to the clan for the course of the Clan war (and possibly receive a reward in the form of gold coins). So that all participants of the Clan war can build on it at will and destroy. 4. The possibility as a clan member of a declaration of war ect. to vote or reject by means of elections. 5. If possible, the clan system should best be managed by teleporter. (6.) Eventually tools such as catapults could be introduced later. We are open to further additions / ideas (own opinions). Please let us know if possible. Otherwise, we would adopt this proposal so and soon post in the appropriate forum.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 23

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