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Team Deathmatch and Conquermod ?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 23

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# 11



5 năm trước

You could already artificially create clans and form aliances. The only thing you want, that isn't possible are the "clan wars", which would be possible once you can join teams in pvp. Another thing, if we had clans...what's the competition, why would clans have wars? You would probably need some kind of point system - which could also be imaginary/community made(not official), but that could be easily abused. Anyway, I don't think clans will be added until theres a lot more people wanting it. Plus the game needs to set more foundation to build on the clan idea. It is a good idea nonetheless.

# 12



5 năm trước

The scoring system is a great idea! Perhaps it should be the case that each member of the clan can be defeated up to three times in the course of the war. For every "kill" you will get about 200 gold coins. That should provide enough incentive. In addition, our desire for a "clan system" is above all to provide their own areas and thus to create their own battlefields (arenas ect.), As well as to deliver powerful and exciting battles with several teams. Incidentally, this kind of gameplay would leave plenty of room for your own stories that will captivate a whole bunch of players.

# 13



5 năm trước

Couldn't the exhaust in PVP mode be separate from the friends list? What if we get this rolling someday and Kamikaze Justice joins one clan and myself as Gerberd joins another. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone; however I would never want to drop him off my friend list just so I can exhaust him in PVP.

# 14



5 năm trước

No, you misunderstood something. The clan system would be controlled via the teleporter, but it is independent of your friends list. It would be something like an addition. This way you can challenge other players in "CLANS" depending on whether you want to or not. The friend list has no influence on that and should you not be satisfied with the war decision (alliances ect.) Of your clan, you can also leave it for the duration of the war briefly.

# 15


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Many wars are started for the purpose of possessing land, or wanting to take over the world. Possessing land could be the goal, or one of the goals. A flag can be placed on land to show possession... and another person can replace the flag to take possession of it. The game can be programmed to only allow 1 flag per 32x32 plots. Maybe, when structures are built by a person, it'll take the attacker more effort (or more hits) to destroy those structures while attempting to take the land away. These are just ideas. If, or when, PvP comes to the Angeldust game, there will be clans, whether it's officially added to the game, or not. Players will make it happen... and the number of players registering on Angeldust will increase, imo, just because there is PvP... that's if they know about it.

# 16



5 năm trước

The idea with the flags is just great! Thanks a lot for this. However, that could mean that many would not be ready to make their territories available for clan warfare if they have the chance to lose them forever. How about that there are whole clan war chases. That could last for about one to three months. During this time, clans declare war and their members provide land for it. Flags will be used during this time. The 10-100 (depending on how many there are) clans that have the most flags, ie territories, until after the end of the war phase receive a high reward (in the form of gold coins or even special blocks / badges / challenge cups). Which in turn are divided fairly among the clan members. At the end of the war, the flags disappear and the players get their territories back. As for the more stable blocks, this would be possible with a kind of tool that could be used to mark certain blocks (perhaps there could be a maximum number per area, say 500-1000 blocks). So it would be difficult to destroy walls. What do you all mean ?

# 17



5 năm trước

OK, now we'd like to suggest a clan system for future updates. This again includes the following points: 1. The ability to form and / or join clans. 2. To ally with clans (forming alliances) and declare them or only other wars for a limited time. 3. As a member of the clan, select your own territories and make them available to the clan for the clan war (and possibly receive a gold coin reward). So that all participants of the Clan war can build on it at will and destroy. (Possibly: also the possibility to donate own territories, ie to cede to the clan forever and to receive a much higher gold reward. These territories then belong to the clan and are automatically provided in every clan war.) 4. For the duration of the clan war, a flag will be awarded for the territories provided, each of which may be placed anywhere. The other side must destroy them and build their own in the area to conquer it. The clan that owns most of the territories at the end of the war wins it and receives a Gold Victory Reward, which is split between each clan member. In addition, the 10-100 clans with the most conquered territories receive special rewards at the end of each season (in the form of gold / special blocks / badges / challenge cups ect.). At the end of each clan war, the clan members get their territories back. 5. The possibility as a clan member of a declaration of war ect. vote or reject elections. 6. If possible, the clan system should best be managed by teleporter. (7.) Eventually, tools such as catapults could be introduced later. We are open for further additions / ideas (own opinions). Please let us know if possible. Otherwise, we would post this proposal soon in the appropriate forum.

# 18



5 năm trước

And point 8. The abillity to chose 500-1500 Blocks of each area to make them stronger and harder to broke(maybe useable with a kind of tool for the enginer).

# 19



5 năm trước

@Zypher125: your system sounds cool ... but WAY too complicated for a single developer game. just trying to put some realism in your thinking cap.

# 20


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Yes... let's get Firefly warmed up to the idea first, with something simple... not scare him away ;)

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 23

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