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Anyone noticing vanishing acts lately?

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5 năm trước

It all started on a Tuesday night, all was calm in what seemed like the Tundra, me and my friend were hunting animals as usual I would get my kills in and he would, but yesterday he was shooting a bear "grey or white" and in front of his eyes POOF! gone without a trace, no gold, no other players around, I thought nothing much of it so today I went out in I think the Tundra, I was shooting at a Rock Roamer/Snow Thrower thingy, got it really low health, I took my eyes off it for 1 hot second, I quickly swung back around to do the final kill shot the arrow hit empty air, Poof! Vanished where did it go, then seconds later I saw a Snow Rhino thingy it snuck behind a smaller ish type hill, I jumped up that thing like I was a Kangaroo in like 10-15 seconds, victory at last top of the hill, I look down in all directions, no Snow Rhino, I walk the perimeter all around it seeing if it went any 1 direction but to no avail did my eyes catch site, so in a 30 second sprit I lost 50-60 gold as nobody was nearby both times, I nearly had 1 mob killed and was basically breathing down the neck of another! So that's so far the vanishing acts I witnessed today so far! So I was wondering has anyone noticed the game having seizures or something cuz of it? Not sure but from what I recall of most games, mobs generally stay put for the fight lols :)

# 2



5 năm trước

Like i have lost track of Owls and Eagles before, but things that walk and your practically touching them with your nose for how close you are to them, makes no sense how they up and disappear with no trace regardless how much health they have or how much they have left :)

# 3



5 năm trước

This hill was the only hill in the area, and the trees were like tooth picks, and cuz I have 2D art on that means "ALL" mobs in that area stuck out like a sore thumb just to give ya a perspective of what I was looking at and where I was :)

# 4



5 năm trước

I had issues with multiple mobs walking away and despawning (while fighting 1) but never right in front of my eyes ... will you be on in about an hour?

# 5



5 năm trước

Connection issues.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Lagging? My older 2012 MacBook Pro lags in this game, so I'll lower the game requirements in some of the categories, mainly the quality of the graphics to "Low"... and that takes care of most of the lagging. The graphics aren't that bad in "Low"... but terrible in "Minimum". I'll quit the game if I have to go that low.

# 7



5 năm trước

@KJ, I play on a iMac 27" Mid 2010 AND on a MBP Late 2008 never (rarely) have lag issues. (My Linux laptop is fairly new and runs 8 instances w/out issues.) The times that I did have lag issues it was almost always disk issues (not enough free space) ... the 2008 MBP has a 500G SSD and that's made a huge difference all around (for every app and general OS things too) Perhaps you should take some of the money you're saving by playing this free game and buy some new hardware ... just saying ;)

# 8



5 năm trước

Lately when I board on my horse with the Saddle it duplicates my horse every now and then, also if I leave my horse for the right amount of time and come back sometimes my horse be there or not, and usually a duplicate of my horse is running around upon arrival! If I spam click the Saddle on a horse then it Duplicates everytime, so I'm not sure what's going on but that's 3 ways and 3 times over and over I see multiples of my horse! The funny thing is the Duplicates can be killed, but cannot be Mounted by me or others, so just killed only and no Gold drops btw also! :) so if we wanna talk about a glitch then I may have found one :D

# 9



5 năm trước

Oh and @Hummm the Phones of this day and age are much more powerful than what Nasa has sent the 1st Rocket into space with, so there's no excuse why "Modern" games in general have to be so CPU/GPU intensive, cuz I create games that are 50KB or less in size and tbh they run way better than half the junk I see online, I don't add bloatware or things in it that requires anything more than just maybe the most simplest CPU that maybe a Windows 95 computer may run, my Text Based games will run on any machine and are not like "Torn" which is a major online Text Based game, mine is simpler, lightweight and will run on 99.99999% of all devices ever made except maybe the 1st few they ever made in the beginning when computer making was a new thing! But now even Minecraft when it was "Cave Game" ran on simple specs, and that was 3D at the time also, so why anyone ever needs more than an Atom Processor is beyond me, I'm thinking developers just wanna be corny and just add junk we don't need! Voxels can simply be a pixel blown up then just have light software running a simple algorithm to add specs of color or patterns to them, it doesn't have to be this blown out thing where the game has to match the latest benchmark lols :P most my games are always 10KB to 50KB I have never exceeded that for any programmed game I made! (RPG Maker) on the other hand uses an Engine so it's someone elses software to pump a game I make, in that case it potentially may exceed 50KB but that's cuz they as a Developer don't know how to keep junk simple lols! I even made a program that Can take 8 sets of 8 Bit code, and only strip the logical combinations that will ever work in a program and shrink the files down over 2000x the amount in some cases, and to date my program surpasses all known zip files and makes them look like a few Gigabits compared to 1MB I even made a program that can decipher it on the fly without ever having to extract it and Play anything as if it were the full blown program! To Date "ALL 600+" everything I own on Steam fits on one laptop cuz I know how to Shrink it down 2000x in most cases and run a Decipher on the fly, but if people programmed games not so stupidly then I wouldn't need to crunch them down ever! I have only used 3% of my computer space by the way! With all things downloaded ever! Also things run smoother and faster my way too! The only problem is my internet connection most times, which makes everything internet based so darn slow but if you want a simple fast running game then just get and you will see how much that program in of itself can extract out of itself with no internet or useless additional downloads needed! You will end up with maybe like 30 files when done! And all will work smoothly and fast with one another! And I'm gonna take the same concept and make a simple Voxel game with same premise and show a person can have Minecraft all in 100KB or less and be 3D all in one swing cuz all I ever have to do is blow up a pixel and manipulate it simple as that :)

# 10



5 năm trước

But anyways my comment #8 seems to be the most current glitch in this Angeldust game so that one should be looked at! :)

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 21

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