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Appointing stewards

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 69

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# 11


crimson cultist

5 năm trước

just Alex, without makaro, it's will be better, okay?

# 12



5 năm trước

Game master sounds sick!

# 13



5 năm trước

@Alex: Alex would be fine. Is 'Alex M.' even better so players could potentially find your main account? @obi: I think GM is the term used in other games. It sounds less authoritative than 'moderator' which is a good thing. 'Cause why would new players want to befriend a moderator who sounds like someone that judges every action :)

# 14


Alexi M

5 năm trước

1. sure it is 2. No, only you as developer used that term, no one else has used similar... Maybe you offer some alternative with more serious?

# 15



5 năm trước

I dissagree Alex. Game Master "Game master," "gamemaster," or simply "GM" is a title for the officials in an online RPG (role-playing game) which refers to those in power in a game whom do any of the following: devise rules and regulations for the game and design how the gameplay will be (developer), enforce those rules and regulations (moderator), or had a hand in developing the game's scripts itself (coder). "enforce those rules and regulations (moderator)" Source:

# 16


Alexi M

5 năm trước

Oh really? I never knew about that, maybe, it's not appear in russian dialect.

# 17



5 năm trước

Guys, I've updated your steward account names and added the copper crown. Disregard the awesomeness of the entire badge and naming scheme—does this feel right? I think the (GM) tag looks a bit busy and it's weird having your account names duplicated. Was Alex on the right track here by having a distinct name for his steward account? Also, I think GM is a pretty good tag, but I'm undecided if it should stand for 'game master' or 'game moderator'. I'm appreciative of the double interpretation right now. And one more thing: please don't use these accounts for regular playing or befriending players regularly. I mostly want them to be used for the auto-friend thing in the future. You can befriend players that you meet in the 'Play together' or 'Wonder' zones and show them around. Let me know if this takes the fun out of the role :) (I'm discussing all of this in the open for transparency.)

# 18



5 năm trước

I'm unable to login as "(GM) Hummm" (as displayed) "(GM)Hummm" (minus the space) "Hummm_Steward" (as I originally created it) I'm fine w/ the vagueness of GM. I'm not sure I follow the "don't use these for regular playing or befriending players regularly." ... my expectation was I'd hit "play together" and help new people (as needed/wanted) and except all FR (even have auto FR sent) ... not sure how that puts "restrictions" on people I already know in game... please clarify. I'm good w/ transparency :)

# 19



5 năm trước

On the website I get "player name must start with a plain letter or digit". Maybe just move it to the back "obi2002 (GM)", like a clan tag or something. "don't use these for regular playing or befriending players regularly." I don't see why I couldn't tell them to send a FR to my main if I like them. What does regular playing include? Also, thanks for making it "(GM) obi" and not "(GM) obi2002" :)

# 20



5 năm trước

minor tweak .. I can login game as "(GM) Hummm" .. I can not login to the web site.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 69

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