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Appointing stewards

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Bưu kiện 31–40 của 69

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# 31


(GM) Hummm

5 năm trước

I'm in on web site. thanks! I like D... could be the start of a tri-realm PvP system :D

# 32


GM obi

5 năm trước

I preffer A or C, it gives the most possible help to a new player.

# 33



5 năm trước

Great to see that you're both in, and thanks for the votes. Alex—see if you can sign in too and let me know your preference (see post #30). Also: can you keep the world locations empty or reset them to your house position so players don't spawn randomly in the world? And speaking of houses, feel free to build something welcoming the newbies. Aesthetically pleasing is bonus points.

# 34


Alexi M

5 năm trước

No I didn't. Just remove the dot in my nickname and everything will be fine.

# 35



5 năm trước

firefly add money transfer trade

# 36



5 năm trước

Ooor you could allow signing in when you have a dot, and then I could have my nickname as"obi."? :)

# 37



5 năm trước

@Alex: ooh, I forgot that the dot isn't valid. I removed it from your (GM) account's name. @obi: you wish :P

# 38


crimson cultist

5 năm trước

Very well.

# 39



5 năm trước

Darn... :)

# 40



5 năm trước

A few additional changes are coming related to GMs. I'm working on a new badge icon to better reflect the community/communicational aspect of the role. I don't want players to feel intimidated by GMs; rather the opposite. More news on the badge icon soon. Another addition specifically caused by the GM system: the telecharger will show account badges in the next update. This way new players can more easily distinguish between regular and special players.

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 69

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