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ATTN: Android crash fixed!

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5 năm trước

BIG NEWS! I finally found and fixed the Android crashing bug! Spectrum and everyone else who can test, please open: Download and install the Angeldust 2.24.1 APK (signed) and check out your notifications, settings or switch between apps. You can even change device orientation and do whatever you want. This works wonderfully on my devices. Angeldust will now keep running (even connected online) until you quit. Note that this version is literally v2.24 with my new patch. No other improvements or bug fixes have been put into this release, I'm first awaiting your collective feedback. Please post testing reports and results here. I really hope I finally squashed this ancient bug!

# 2



5 năm trước

I actually wanted to you to 'fix' switching between did it and is amazing! Indeed works wonderfully on my Samsung S9, so by logic it should work on Spectrums phone too(same phone).

# 3



5 năm trước

I'm attempted to follow your instructions ... not sure I did.. but it doesn't crash on login .. I even TPed and walked around a bit. how do I tell (other than no crash) what version I'm running?

# 4



5 năm trước

Yes finally! It's working perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime.. 👍

# 5



5 năm trước

@Hummm: just go to your home screen, or pull up the settings / notification area. Switch to another app. Then go back to Angeldust and observe that it's still running. You will need to quit (stop) it manually once you're done playing.

# 6



5 năm trước

Spectrum? You here? Anyone else got testing reports? Or is nobody playing on Android because this bug existed in the first place :D?

# 7



5 năm trước

Another bump—I've released Angeldust v2.24.2 for Android here: This one contains these fixes compared to the old version: – prevent all crashes on pause – render all blocks in large buildings (obi, Geldis!) – fix quick message menu disconnection If anyone wants to test these out, please report back here. I'll probably roll out this update on Google Play if everyone is happy. Also: this latest APK actually shows up with the correct v2.24.2 version number.

# 8



5 năm trước

I tried everything new in this version. Works like a charm! I do have one complaint: When you tab out of the game, the game audio keeps on playing, I think it should stop until you tab back into the app.

# 9



5 năm trước

@obi: it acts as a "friendly reminder" that Angeldust currently doesn't fully stop. In the background the game continues to process network data and game world updates. If you keep Angeldust backgrounded, it will drain your battery. So the sound and music reminds you that you either need to get back playing or quit the app altogether. I know it's not perfect yet, but it's a huge step forward compared to crashing intermittently.

# 10



5 năm trước

Yea, I knew you were gonna say that. I guess youre right haha

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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