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7 năm trước
http://angeldust.chatovod.ru/ Простенько пока что... Если хотите помочь в оформлении просьба отправлять скрины из игры хорошего еачества!!! Скрины отпровлять сюда🔽🔽🔽 https://vk.com/dai_mne_adres
7 năm trước
Could we get a Russian-Language forum added here? There seem to be several Russian speaking users here, and I don't want them to feel alienated when people complain about them posting in Russian on the English chat. I know this causes a lot of issues elsewhere as well. Also, an "other languages" forum might also be useful. Finally, there are some royalty free and even some Open Source web scripting modules available to provide auto-translation links. It might a good feature to add to the forum. I know translation engines are far from perfect, but they are (usually) good enough in my experience. I regularly use them on another site I moderate for. (I probably should give the same suggestion. Especially since these modules can detect other languages, and probably could easily be integrated into the posting box.)
7 năm trước
OP by 412655 14 hours ago http://angeldust.chatovod.ru/ Простенько пока что... Если хотите помочь в оформлении просьба отправлять скрины из игры хорошего еачества!!! Скрины отпровлять сюда ttps://vk.com/dai_mne_adres Первые приславшие скриншоты увидят свои дома в чате!!! Поспешите!!! Места ограничены...
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