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little problem

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 33

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# 21



5 năm trước

If the "world" button remains for offline players than i think it's fine. (it was not totally clear in your previous message)

# 22



5 năm trước

You could always just make the name button smaller? Also, what will be on it? "DM" standing for direct message?

# 23



5 năm trước

@obi: I'm thinking of using the text balloon icon on the button. The one you see in the top left corner when typing a chat message, and also floating above people's heads.

# 24



5 năm trước

@FF yes, MYSTELLENRY made the correct online/offline distinction ... we (all?) use World button for offline, rarely for online [since this is the _only_ place I can comms with you:] Hi MYSTELLENRY! I like your builds! I'm really not a scary or creepy person. If you accept a FR I'll give you full build perms and I won't TP to you w/out an invite. Have a great day!

# 25



5 năm trước

Thats a much better idea! I still belive the world save shouldnt dissapear when someone is online, I am a pretty active person who friends lots of people unlike Hummm or MYSTELLENRY, who are much more careful, so my outlook can be/is different than theirs. For example: I offer my friends to use my world save as their quest hunting grounds, which would after the update not be possible unless thy would tp to me and ask me to tp there... instead of just clicking one button, you now have to tp twice and make me tp twice(there and back). I suggest the chat button would lay in the name button like this:

# 26



5 năm trước

I'll brainstorm on the UI a bit more. I understand you use World-saves a bit differently obi :) Can't see your image right now, but I'll design something myself—worked out for other parts of the game.

# 27



5 năm trước

Since you mention Obi spamming the build permission button; it be helpful to have a button that Obi can press that would notify all of his friends who were online at once. It could say something like; 'Obi2002 says teleport to me.' I like the idea of the chat button but a spam all 'come to me' button would be helpful. I'm just throwing this out there because it seems like it would help.

# 28



5 năm trước

@obi: sorry for my last post :)! Took a look at your image, shows promise—this is roughly the direction I want to go. My main problem is tiny phone screens, but I'll work something out. @Gerberd: mass-broadcasting to friends could be a feature in the future, but for now I'm aiming to add one-on-one friend chat.

# 29



5 năm trước

Thanks, you could always make it so on phones you need to loong tap on the name to text them?

# 30



5 năm trước

On phones/tablets dragging over buttons will show the tips at the top of the screen (like hovering your mouse pointer) so you know what's going to happen when releasing your finger. That interferes with being able to do long presses. But I'll find a way.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 33

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