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the new idea

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 35

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# 11



7 năm trước

Как я понел, у тебя 48 земель?

# 12



7 năm trước

ladders please I don't really want to make stairs all the time lol and rail well not really rails but a narrow form of the slab blocks I use for toppers that make for a rail like look. more lantern colors. mounted torches and other light types. how big is our inventory or does it get bigger as we get more items. chest if we cant hold everything.

# 13



7 năm trước

Type your message here.

# 14



7 năm trước

stonegargoyle – you can already make ladders using the thin blocks and columns blocks. Like trees, you can climb these! Just look up and walk forward.

# 15



7 năm trước

It would be nice to be able to "rotate" block, like putting columns sideway to make beams, or thin blocks to make a thin wall.

# 16



7 năm trước

Maybe auto-fitting for the terrain? Because I claimed some land and made it straight for building. Now i have, at some points, about 8 Blocks high walls around and that annoys me a bit.

# 17



7 năm trước

Dungeons random door spawn but an instance for a minimum number of players in a group but no maximum or a high max and have more mobs spawn in it if the group is larger. set up where you go from room to room until you get to the last main boss. loot color unlocks only from dungeon not the coin unlock colors, blocks/building-parts/furniture only able to get in dungeon. class outfit styles/weapon looks. all this but only from dungeon. not saying there cant be new stuff for the coin unlock just keep unique for completing dungeons. pets that can stay or fallow you. bonus types for group achievements like time or defeating a boss or mob type. all because of angle dust lore cause and effect. maybe the option to craft a door for dungeon on your claimed land from a heroic final boss drop chance of that dungeon type. and maybe they only spawn at night to make it more dramatic. holiday dungeons even game ones you just invent to make it cooler and be a suprize. possible costume set for your character too so you can have a festive or unique look beyond just colors/temporary look from item drops. thanks for reading this.

# 18



7 năm trước

У меня есть идея на будщее... Добавить замки, в замках сундуки, моьбы и босс... Убив босса всем игрокам достаётся возможность открыть сундук и получить вещь бесплатно... Если игрок уже получал сундук с тем подарком, он просто неберётся у него, а продолжает лижать в сундуке... Идея на будущее*** После перевода на русский** И добавления нужных биомов*

# 19



7 năm trước

I have an idea on budschee ... Add castles, castles chests, moby, and the boss ... After killing the boss gets all players the opportunity to open the chest and get the item for free ... If a player has already received a chest with the gift, he just neberёtsya him, licking and keeps in the trunk ... The idea for the future *** After translation into Russian ** And the addition of relevant biomes *

# 20



7 năm trước


Bưu kiện 11–20 của 35

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