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Bưu kiện 21–30 của 47

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# 21



5 năm trước

Also Moniq, you didnt achieve nothing with blocking every entrance the hub, anyone can tp there and claim next to it, just open the top and keep exits blocked so no player can get out and block the tps to your builds, leave other tps open. If you dont want to do that, make a teleport trap at the top of the build limit in the middle of your claim there. Needs to be atleast 3x3x5 cuz of mounts.

# 22



5 năm trước

That is a good point with nearby claim visibility. To which distance do you see taken claims? 5? About the rest you write: - I have no problem with the fact that someone claims near me (just disappointed there is usually not much to see), I actively connect all discovered nearby buildings to my or Striped road - There is no way how to prevent situation, when you simply want to troll, but at least 1 claim buffer that requires friendship will preserve that no one will claim right next to any of my claims, unless we get in contact (with all consequences of course)

# 23



5 năm trước

The building of Central HUB is just closed. First I would like to see a change about claim policy. Then the HUB will be reconstructed and will get some security systems.

# 24



5 năm trước

Just dont destroy the holo chargers that cant be easily replaced please, when that happens. Can I get build perms so I can enter when I need to? I use your hub often.

# 25


Restricted Area

5 năm trước

There is another entry now, I can show you how to get there or if you have a safe spot I can place a link for you.

# 26



5 năm trước

Awesome! I'll come to you the next time I see you online to show me/link it.

# 27



5 năm trước

I've read up as well as I could, I think the current suggestion is a 'no-friend no-claim' idea where non-friends can not claim within a radius (or right next to) existing claims. I think that idea helps griefers. They'll have to claim a lot less to ensure you can never expand your build. If the radius is big, they can prevent anyone from claiming an NxN area, effectively multiplying their power over the world. In technical terms this is an 'amplification attack'. I've previously considered this idea, but shelved it because of the power it gives to the players you don't want to empower. Feel free to point out where I'm wrong.

# 28



5 năm trước

As I said, there is no way how to prevent someone who really want to troll. But 1 claim buffer will prevent situation when a random newbie claims on first spot they get to, right next to a build of someone else.

# 29



5 năm trước

Going with a one-claim safe border gives trolls a 9x amplification. That seems acceptable, but enables making 24x24 (= 576) claims useless forever with a single account. Which sounds more intimidating even though the world is huge. But okay, let's not worry about that. Subsequently the only problem it solves is of someone claiming right next to your build, right? Or am I missing something here? If that is the only problem it solves, I think I'd be complicating the game logic too much for too little gain and preventing current use cases for no good reason. For instance, space is green wants everyone to build along the striped road. The current, open system offers the most flexibility to enforce your personal claim policy on your builds. If you want a one-claim buffer zone, claim it with a throwaway account. It scales O(N+M) on length/depth, which is pretty good algorithmically. If I'm not seeing other advantages or if I'm wrong, I'm all ears!

# 30



5 năm trước

your condition clause is just incomplete... if ((claimed_by_non_friend_distance < radius_foe) && !(claimed_by_friend_w_build_distance < radius_friend)) { deny_claim_on_policy(); return; } complete_claim(); I think Moniq is correct though, someone bent on destroying your area will find a way, it's the "hey let's try this game once and never again noob that visits a wonder and claims just trying stuff" that is the most important to block... thus I fall back on my "claims are disabled until you TP home, after hitting the Wonder button"

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 47

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