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Player battle 27.8.2019

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





5 năm trước

Today I was a part of an awesome player battle. Players who fought are but not limited to: INFAMOUS, Loki The Witful, Mason Elddir, Tommo1, Snowhiteprincess,Will The Willing, Swaleha1, Mason Elddir... Hopefuly I didn't miss anyone. Special events: Void Roamer We got the Obi Wanderer to spawn, so it's not livestream only. Really happy we got the rarest mob to spawn just by playing randomly. Sad that it was unfortunately killed before the hunters from discord could arrive. Better luck next time. Score updates and milestones: I only keep track of page #1 so you might not see yours. Loki The Witful: Jumped up from spot #11 to #9 with a 94 score increase(from 62 to 101 targets). He got exhuasted 43 times. Per exhuastion he got an average of 2.41 score, which means he hit a lot of high value targets, but mostly lower value targets. His KDR decreased from 1.14 to 1.04, so statistically he hit 0.1 less targets per life than usual. Milestones: 200 score overall, 100 targets overall. INFAMOUS: Jumped up from page#2 to page#1 sitting in at spot #10 with 229 score, 180 targets and 104 nemesis. Per targets hit he got 1.22 score which means he got a few high value targets but mostly low value targets. Milestones hit: Page#1, 100 exhuastions in one game,200 score overall, 100 targets overall. Mason Elddir: Juped up the leaderboard from spot #15 to previously owned spot by Loki The Witful #11 with a 68 score increase, his targets increased from 109 to 177 targets(68). Per targets hit he got an average of 1.74 score, which means he got a few high value targets but mostly low value targets. His KDR increased from -077 to -0.7, so statistically he hit 0.7 more targets per life than usual. Milestones hit: 100 targets overall. Tommo1: Jumped up to page#1 to spot #16 with 134 score, 65 targets, 91 nemesis. Per targets hit he got an average of 2.06 score, which means he hit a lot of high value targets, but mostly lower value targets. Milestones: Page#1, 100 score overall, 50 targets overall. Snowhiteprincess: Jumped up to page#2 to spot #25 with 89 score, 43 targets. Per targets hit she got 2.06 score, which means she hit a lot of high value targets, but mostly lower value targets. Milestones: Page#2 Reached 50 score overall. Swaleha1: Jumped up to page#2 to spot #35 with 72 score, 40 targets. Per targets hit he got an average of 1.8 score, which means he got a few high value targets but mostly low value targets. Milestones: Page#2 Reached 50 score overall. Will The WIlling: Jumped up to #43 with 52 score, 27 targets. Per targets hit he got an average of 1.92 score, which means he got a few high value targets but mostly low value targets. Milestones reached: 50 score overall. obi2002: Still sitting at #1 with a 167 score increase, his targets increased from 996 to 1107(101). He got exhuasted 25 times. Per targets hit he got an average of 1.65 score, which means he hit a lot of high value targets, but mostly lower value targets. His KDR decreased from 3.51 to 3.66, so statistically he hit 0.15 more targets per life than usual. Milestones: 2000 score, 1000 targets overall, second time hitting 100 exhuastions in one game. We had a really fun time, I hope we can repeat this again sometime in the future. Really upset that the void roamer got killed before others could make it, stuff happens, can't really be mad, we will get it again next time.

# 2



5 năm trước

I'm somehow really happy and excited to read this! Thanks for the extensive play-by-play commentary and score tracking obi :D And congratulations to everyone unlocking the special creature, I think we can safely say it's *very* hard to get!

# 3



5 năm trước

It's pretty fun to read it yeah, you get to know how you really did that battle and not just base it on feelings. I only wish I had the knowledge to make it more automatic like Hummm does with the coin leaderboards. It also shows how cool it would be if it were implemented into the website itself. WIth green and red arrows depending on how you did that day/week/month.

# 4



5 năm trước

I also want to make sure I know how the system works 100%. Player #1 has 10 nemesis, 5 of which is Player #2. Player #1 exhuasts Player #3 and is awarded 10 points. Does Player #2 get 5 points from Player #1 exhuasting Player #3, since he owns 50% of Player #1's nemesis, even tho he didn't do anything?

# 5



5 năm trước

> I only wish I had the knowledge to make it more automatic like Hummm does with the coin leaderboards. ... if only I cared about PvP scores! :P ... or, you could just ask me for a script to pull it. you get (download and install) Python and Selenium on your computer and I'll send you the script to pull it.

# 6



5 năm trước

But someone killed the Void Roamer before all player come.

# 7



5 năm trước

Indeed Swaleha, that case is closed. We will try harder next time.

# 8



5 năm trước

Also @Infamous' house is low-key celebrating this event :P

# 9



5 năm trước

Gotta flex.

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9