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The Biggest Damage - The Show

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 70

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# 51



4 năm trước

Thanks for the feedback. I'll give everyone one more day to evaluate and reply about the in-game "incognito mode". Do you think it's a useful addition, or will it not prevent griefing in your case? If not, why? This addition will be the only fix against griefing that I do in the knowledge that we could not come up with another, "better" solution. You can still let me know why I am wrong; I really think I deserve to know why. If someone asks for a "better" solution in the future, I'll kindly ask them to read and acknowledge this topic first and we'll go from there.

# 52



4 năm trước

No replies, no changes in the plan. I'll start crunching incognito mode until it's done.

# 53



4 năm trước

Work on this feature is progressing decently so far. Thanks to all the previous brainstorming I have a better grasp of where to take this and how to shape it. I think I have a design that is very Angeldust-like: simple, non-intrusive and as intuitive as possible. I even have a good name for this feature, which is oftentimes the hardest part :D

# 54



4 năm trước

And now the thrilling conclusion of our radio drama… Angeldust v3.7 brings a new "Do not disturb" toggle button to the telecharger. Use this to prevent friends from telecharging to you. They will receive a message that you do not want to be disturbed. Their telecharger charge will remain active. You yourself can still telecharge wherever you want and both friend and private chat will work regularly. "Do not disturb" (DND) is off by default. Angeldust will remember your setting between game sessions and devices, so you only have to enable it once for a perma-DND-account. You can glance your DND status from the telecharger button: gray is off, bright orange is on. The telecharger menu also has a darker background color when DND is enabled. "Do not disturb" is the best solution I could come up with based on both the old "incognito mode" idea and space is green's proposal in this topic. I think it's a definite, objective improvement for a lot of use cases. Now, you might ask: why does the telecharger button for DND friends remain green? This is so you can briefly turn off DND for trusted friends that want to visit you, without others knowing that you temporarily disabled DND. Thanks to everyone constructively contributing to this forum topic. I'm glad we were able to come to a solution that I think is objectively good and closes the gaps while still allowing for regular social interaction.

# 55


space is green

4 năm trước

gg Firefly :D

# 56



4 năm trước

Thank you Firefly for listening to what players in your game ask for, I really like it, it works and I don't think it ruins social interaction. Of course, time will tell if it is truly a solution to the problem or not, so we'll have to wait and see how effective it is. However, if anyone allows someone to claim near them now because they just teleported in, it's clearly their fault for not preventing it by using better judgment. Some new players will still need help with that. Once again thank you, the new mode button will help me a lot in multiple ways. I can once again feel free to add new friends as well :)

# 57



4 năm trước

Ik its a bit late now but i want to add sth, i didnt read the whole forum post, so sorry if someone alsready said this. I am pretty sure that some players claim next to a build because they want to save the location, maybe they dont use world/private save option because they dont know how to use it (ik, it sounds weird but it could be) or their world and private save option is used for sth other. I dont really think that someone is thinking "now this build cant get bigger because i bought land, muhahaha, i am so badass" (could be but i dont think so). I am not sure if its the best solution for this problem, but i think some people wont claim when we would have more save options (a nice extra would be if you can give them names like "good place to hunt, savannah") I am sorry if someone said this already and i am sorry for my english.

# 58



4 năm trước

Hey Lucy, you might be onto something. I don't think anyone has suggested recently that claiming might be a way for others to get navigational points in the world. But I do know that I considered it as such in the past, but I completely forgot about it until you mentioned it here. Maybe part of the solution against grief claiming lies outside of claiming, and more in the general operation of the telecharger. It could very well be that having more named, saved locations would counter grief claiming effectively. Food for thought. Thanks for sharing the insight!

# 59



4 năm trước

YES! ... I think I asked for this a LONG time ago (many named saved locations) ... I solved it myself by creating alts and using their World Save, but it's a VERY clumsy solution that scales horribly. This solves many issues with both builders and hunters. Great idea Lucy- ... even if I have know idea what "sth" means ... millennials and their abbreviations, ugh.

# 60



4 năm trước

sth = something. You boomer :P

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 70

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