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The Biggest Damage - The Show

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 70

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# 41



4 năm trước

I am willing to support "incognito" as you call it, in the form of a "teleport to me" toggle as we have been discussing, as we know that it will work at reducing the risk of being griefed. I also cannot see too big a downside to this method of implementation, because it gives people the freedom to choose whether they toggle it on or off and that it may actually increase some peoples social skills as well.

# 42



4 năm trước

I would rather have you work on OpenGL 3.3, and after full release, depending on how many new players report getting griefed, you add the space is green incognito. I believe Moniq doesn't see incognito as a solution since all her grief claims happend becouse of her central hub. As soon as she added wonders to it, the whole world had access to it. I told her this many times while I was adding Nefer'spi to her hub and made sure to have the hub link very hard to find in Nefer'spi. She seemed to ignore it... If she never added any wonders to the hub, the "To Mentto" forum thread wouldn't have happend ever.

# 43



4 năm trước

I will also do extensive PSA in the form of doing my GM part after full release and making sure people read the faq on discord, that has a lot of useful info and I'll be adding info about griefers and evading getting griefed. If (new) builders listen / read, less of them might be griefed.

# 44



4 năm trước

@obi: I appreciate GM efforts in reducing griefing, but the more work I can lift from your hands by codifying things in the game, the better. Human effort and energy is hard to scale, while processor cycles are available virtually without limit. Having an in-game toggle for messing around in private also adds value to the friends list. Suddenly you don't have to be as watchful as before. You can still have fun and friends in public spaces, but you are free to do things in private as well. That's exactly what friends should be. In a way it's a verbatim, pre-facto (I just made this up) implementation of what CynicalRubixCube suggests. You kick players out of your private build preemptively. Without having to rely on vigilance and superhuman reflexes. Now the big question is: should a player be incognito by default or not? There are many ways to argue both settings. And in addition: should their incognito state reset when signing in or continue from their last session? Given my vision of the game I'd advocate for making people non-incognito, so "public" by default at the start of every game session and having to opt-in to the incognito mode. This makes the game identical to now, but with added flexibility. But you could argue that players need to be incognito by default at each session so that they do not forget to turn it on and ruin their builds. Or should the game help out? Have people be "public" by default each session and automatically make them incognito when telecharging to any non-public (any place other than play together, hero battle, wonder) place and/or friend? Ideas for defaults are welcome. I think "public at session start" until enabling "incognito" would be a good initial setting.

# 45



4 năm trước

Yes, I think public at the start, but with a hint that it can be turned on, maybe.

# 46



4 năm trước

I agree, start out as public and when people turn it on, it keeps it till nexgt session like any other option in the game. A hint is a good idea, maybe when you add your first friend it shows. No game help out, the player should be in control.

# 47



4 năm trước

@Rob, obi: I'm thinking of repurposing (a part of) the 'LOCATIONS' header in the telecharger for this. Right at the top. Can't miss it. Something like: MY STATUS: AVAILABLE (Green) MY STATUS: PRIVATE (Yellow) And/or an icon on the right side. The header bar can show a hint on hover like: 'Allow or disallow friends telecharging to you.'. Everyone will see it this way. It can't be shown first friend-add since no players does that anymore as I'm auto-added. On second friend-add is also unhelpful, because players can remove me via the site and then add one single friend and still never see the hint. As for the time it will take: I'm doing expectation management. UI takes up much time because it needs to work from 3.5" touchscreens all the way to 40" TVs with game controllers. I'll try my best. Others: feel free to chime in here with your thoughts and suggestions about the whole ordeal. UI design tips are welcome, but I'm pretty apt at doing that myself. I do value more input and feedback on the overall idea, design and "solutionness" of incognito mode.

# 48



4 năm trước

Starting out public is fine (even desirable) but persistence across sessions/devices is important (a server side setting).

# 49



4 năm trước

Let me start by saying sadly i do not have a better solution for grieffing. For the longest of time i have had a problem that i cannot accept new friend requests since im afraid of getting griefed or getting someone else. I do love helping new players out and hunting creatures in group so this has been problem for me in many ways but adding something like ability to toggle on/off teleportation to my location would solve it all for me and allow me to be more social when im not building. Back when i started claiming the area for my "now wonder" Dreamacitia someone grieffed/unintentiionally claimed where i did not want. Its still there today, right in the center of it all and i had to go all the way making a MOUNTAIN and shaping my walls to hide it. My solution was "landscaping" it all away x). This all would have been avoided had there been such toggle option back then so YES to that option please make it happen. I do know this does not solve anything for good but it would definitely be great tool to have ensuring better gaming experience for all of us.

# 50



4 năm trước

@ Firefly, The UI design eg, the UI locations you mention both sound fine to me. Either at the top Locations Header or to the right. I will say an icon to the right saying "Allow - Dis-allow friends telecharging to you.

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 70

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