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4 năm trước

Dear players. This is a brief warning about the Fersuper player. Today I received several complaints from Brazilian players who claim that Fersuper is bothering them. I went to see the situation and they told me that he gave tp and followed them, using bad language and saying that they were enemies, not satisfied he also claims land and puts various Photon Imitator in loop and spammaming aggressive creatures. Be careful with this grieffer! thanks for your attention: 3

# 2



4 năm trước

I've been bothered slightly by this certain individual on my most recent livestreams too. Approach with caution!

# 3



4 năm trước

I'm afraid that there will be more of these types of people when a lot of new players will arrive before the game becomes a paid game.

# 4



4 năm trước

I love the public shaming of nine year olds you're all encouraging. This game is highly attractive to children, my brothers children in fact. They play with stick swords inthe yard and call the neighbor kids the enemy. i dont know how old this fersuper is, I unfriended him cause his chat to all friends was bloop bloop annoying. However I've been from one end of the map to the other now at this point, and all I can say is with as much space as there is in the game world, and now with the do not disturb option FF has blessed us with, none of us has a shred of excuse to complain about some misbehaving child when his antics could have been completely prevented by the adults in the situation by simply not friending people who drag these annoyances through the portal with them (You know who you are). I don't know if anyone here has ever had contact with a REAL griefer, but I think you're all using the term rather loosely, blanket style, just throwing it over anyone you don't like and labeling them and their behavior as an organized attempt at causing the rest of us to live in unrest. I haven't been here long, five months maybe, but I'm a thirty five year old man who's been all over the world and has learned that this type of thing only escalates unless it's stopped cold. If you want to experience a proffesional griefer I know one. He'd be more than happy to surround your claims with piles and piles of black marble. WARTAINT OUT.

# 5



4 năm trước

In fact, I feel this was an issue (and all those like it) that should have been handled far differently by the authorities involved. I request that in the future these sorts of issues remain private on behalf of the players rights. If so and so and I have a disagreement that requires GM involvement, is this a situation where public announcement of the event is required? If so, then it seems only fair and just for Fersuper to be given the chance to speak publicly on his own behalf rather than have a figure of "authority" simply tell the rest of us what's what.

# 6



4 năm trước

Yes I agree, now I could see that my attitude was really stupid and unnecessary, sorry for that, I talked to Fersuper and everyone who was complaining and everyone agreed not to disturb each other. This attitude of mine was hasty and I should keep these events confidential until it gets worse, thanks for the response really opened my eyes and I hope I will not reflect this kind of action :)

# 7



4 năm trước

Geez, i don't know if it's normal but I have the impression to be the fool here. I really have to shut my mouth one day but after all everybody ignores what I say most of the time.

# 8



4 năm trước

@Angelio, i dont understand, no ones a fool here. I think a lot of these issues can be remedied by proper use of the DND function of the telecharger. It doesnt matter how populated the game gets, if we all adopt as default the protocol of simply keeping DND engaged at all times the discomfort experienced by unwelcome visitors and interactions will reduced tremendously, as was the intention behind DND if im not mistaken. Lets say you want to visit me, well i keep dnd on all the times now, except if ive hit play together. so if you wanna hang then simply PM me something like : TP?... and I will say yes or no. As soon as you show up my DND is back on, and yours better be too or thats caput.

# 9



4 năm trước

Type your message here.

# 10



4 năm trước

I don't think I have a clear picture of what was going on here. Is anyone expecting me to do something, and why? Are we all cool with each other again? On some fronts it is "you live, you learn" for me and the (GM)s as we figure out how to respond to player reports and issues.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 17

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