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Bưu kiện 11–17 của 17

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# 11



4 năm trước

FF your response is unsettling. Let me begin by saying that the worst thing a leader can do is provide tacit approval, saying neither yes nor no. Here where i live, what this happening amounts to is defamation of character. releasing of information regarding private concerns between players is not just illegal, as per YOUR terms of use, (as per my own interpretation of course) but its down right unethical and a betrayal of confidence. Let me say as well with how disgusting is is to see the established community tack peoples account names on this forum like a wanted poster and engage in campaigning to prevent to good times and growth of that player by preventing friendships from forming from the beginning. Whats that child and others who watch the forum learning when this happens. THIS IS THE REAL GRIEF IN THE GAME! By which i mean a bunch of people old enough to be obviously adults, all publicly spewing their discontent with how a child plays the game. BE AWARE ALL: this game provides an opportunity for kids to learn how to deal with each other and overcome problems in a safe setting. Hows that supposed to happen if every event and every cussing kid with cell phone was treated like this. Like I said, i have relatives that are kids that play this game with me sometimes, so i gotta say something cause it doesnt seem like anyone else is gonna. In the words of the late great Robert Perkins: "Do you even work here? Wheres the guy that works here? I dont need you if you dont get it."

# 12



4 năm trước

I stand behind GMs warning about objectively problematic interactions with any player. I think the community deserves to know when someone is bothering and/or threatening multiple other players. Regardless of who the perpetrator is. Kids are welcome to play Angeldust under parental guidance, see the terms of use. It's the parent's job to guide their kids in the game and in their interactions. If parents let their kid harass, bother and intimidate other players, they carry the responsibility for their kids reputability. If you can prove that Ruan's original reports hold no merit I will take it up with Ruan. Let's stay focused on facts.

# 13



4 năm trước

Not once did I question the merit of the report. I am merely quoting you FF: "Metagaming B.V. does not intentionally share any personal, or other, data with others" So if this is a bussiness and you take your dream seriously, please ensure that ALL player data remains confidential. Clear enough? How is this hard to understand? Why are you aloud to violate the terms and privacy policy? I'm not upset at Ruan, he made a mistake, I just wanted to stand up for fersuper. But now, now you have my attention FF. Now I'm calling you out a bit. Please take these concerns seriously, your game will never progress until you do.

# 14



4 năm trước

And to be fersuper clear... lol... if a player warns a player that one thing. When a GM, WHO REPRESENTS YOU... does the same it is a whole different occurrence. If you can't see that I can't help you.

# 15



4 năm trước

I'm glad we agree that the original report holds merit. I find Ruan's follow-up action of posting about undesired behavior by a player acceptable. That's it. I have no interest in fanning out this topic to subjective issues. You are free to make a new topic sharing your opinion.

# 16



4 năm trước

Don't put words in my mouth frank. Just because I didn't disagree about the merit of the accusation doesn't mean I agree. How could I, I wasn't there and I don't speak Spanish. And that's the point. Get it? I wasn't there. So why is it on the board? You repeatedly Foster an environment of exclusion rather than inclusion. It's sad, because this is a really really really special game.

# 17



4 năm trước

I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm sorry for my action, I said that I acknowledge my mistake and that it will not be repeated again, it was a hasty action and thank you for your constructive criticism, I easily learn from my mistakes and I assure you, not only you but everyone the other players in the community. About the player in question, I have already directed him, and I say that the situation is under control (I hope there are no unforeseen) and also informed all other players about it. The "do not disturb" button fits this scenario perfectly, and new Brazilian players already know how to use it correctly. I am the only Brazilian GM, so I can communicate very well with the players who are from my country, mostly Brazilian players do not know English or any other language, only Portuguese Pt_Br (not Spanish:P) so I must tell them about things they can't understand because they're in English. I go back and kick the same bucket and say I made a mistake, because I'm human, and it won't happen again. That is all I have to say.

Bưu kiện 11–17 của 17

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