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Monster level in Area

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 14

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4 năm trước

Hello! What Level Means in Monsters in the Areas List? :) Example Rotting weedler Level 13 25 days ago × 30

# 2



4 năm trước

in your example, Level 13 is the highest level of that creature type you have killed... most monsters (sans legendary) pay out 250 coins as a base (level 1) then + 20 x (level -1), so your level 13 creature would pay 250 + 20 * 12 = 490 (which should be shown directly under the name) ... if you "discover" a level 14, you be awarded 20 more coins. (and the page will indicate level 14 and the new value 530) gold legendaries have a base of 1000 and pink legendaries have a base of 1250 you discovered the first creature of that type 25 days ago, and you have killed a total of 30 of these creatures... what's not displayed is the individual earnings from the creature kills of that type (after the first, they are worth significantly less then the initial discovery... and, in fact, ZERO if you didn't pick up the coins)

# 3



4 năm trước

I typoed my math in the calculator ...level 14 -> 250 + 20x13 = 510

# 4



4 năm trước

Super, thank you! :)

# 5



4 năm trước

one more piece of data I meant to mention: creature level is determined by the number of players in the vicinity *when* the creature spawns ... thus, a "scout/point man" in front of a large group of players will will cause low level creatures to spawn. 1-2 claims ahead is ok, but 3-4 or more will ruin it (I don't have precise info on this, perhaps FF will share ... or not!) location levels do not effect creature level but do influence the creature types, the primary factor for type is, however, the biome.

# 6



4 năm trước

We 've already noticed about the group. Now one scout goes ahead and causes aggression, and then the group helps.

# 7



4 năm trước

Hi again! :) I thought these questions were similar and I didn 't start a new topic. 27 areas, 261 creatures (level 8.00) What does level 8 mean at the end?

# 8



4 năm trước

The level tells you your average of all discoveries(highest lvl per creature). For example, mines: 27 areas, 279 creatures (level 25.48). Which tells you that out of my 279 creatures discovered, the average of all highest lvl discoveries per creature is 25.48.

# 9



4 năm trước

Whew, I got ninja'd—obi's answer is spot on. Finally there was a question that I could answer, and now I was too late!

# 10



4 năm trước

Where I can see, how much money the monster gives? If it 's a floating magnitude, what does it depend on? :)

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 14

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