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No discovery bunnies! -Bug

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

Today(5. 1. 2020) Lucy- found a golden cluster bunny in Snowy Mounts lvl 94(X520569 Y269756). After announcing it on discord we(Lucy-, secretme, Loki_TR, Hummm, (GM) Hummm, Ruan4K, Fallout63, obi- and (GM) obi) trapped it and killed it. When the cluster exploded everyone who didn't already have it, got the discovery. We let Lucy- tame a white bunny as she found it, she couldn't tame it. We tamed(only gold ones worked) or killed off the rest of the gold bunnies and didn't get the discovery, not for the gold bunny nor white bunny. The bunnies also didn't drop any gold when killed. The bunnies were not tamed and set wild again by retaming as we made sure that wouldn't happen and they showed level(Level 3). We think this is a bug and would like to get our deserved discoveries and for Lucy- to get her white bunny pet for her scout. We don't have any other proof than the gold bunnies that we did manage to tame. Players with new tamed gold bunny pets: Angelio, Loki_TR, Fallout63) Ruan4K and Hummm have seen this happen before, with bunnies. Thank you.

# 2



4 năm trước

Hi, i did not get the discovery, just to mention that. Still an empty space where the ClusterBunny should be... *Boohooo* :( No worries, at least i got my bunny! Cheers

# 3



4 năm trước

Anyone didn't accidentally have a game replay going on? That would be pretty helpful in debugging. Other than that I'll take a look tomorrow. I know I sound like a broken record, but no coins on kill does make it sounds like the bunny was tamed. At least that's what "the game" thought. Lucy-: can you confirm that your cookie didn't make a crunching sound when you gave it to the white rabbit(s)? Also: what happened to the other one? I think two should spawn. I'm all for debugging this, so game replays or additional info would be helpful!

# 4



4 năm trước

there was no sound, it was like i was trying to tame a horse or whatever isn't able to tame, there was still this bar where you see the lvl and when it will die (idk how this is called)

# 5



4 năm trước

Sadly we don't have any game replays. Lucy only tried it on one, then we killed the other one cuz we thought she messed up the 1st one. The 2nd one wasn't tamed, made sure noone touched it(plus it showed its creature lvl(3), which wouldn't happen if it were tamed and set free if I remember correctly), still didn't get discovery.

# 6



4 năm trước

Oh she replied, nvm then.

# 7



4 năm trước

Thanks. Lucy-: you used the pet snack, right? Since "taming" a horse is done using the saddle so it's a bit different. And on the cluster discovery: Loki wasn't down or gone or just teleporting in? Just making sure we've covered all bases.

# 8



4 năm trước

i used the pet snack, ill correct it "it was like taming a creature that isnt able to tame with a pet snack"

# 9



4 năm trước

just some other observations... 1) Obi built a wall of trees at the claim boundaries (all 4 sides), as I recall, everyone ( )was inside the single claim at time of 24-cc death 2) after the coins dropped from the 24-cc , no other coins dropped from the gold/White bunnies (when killed) 3) Hummm and (GM) Hummm gold bunny counts did not increase 4) Hummm and (GM) Hummm White Rabbit count did not increase (it displayed level 3 when we killed it) it was not a new level 5) I got coins from a Fox wolf that wandered in a minute or so later, and from a Swiftling I killed a few minutes later 6) I showed up w/ a pet White Rabbit (which I'm still in possession of) but I can't see that as an interferer I asked if anyone was recording, but no one was I failed to tell the crowd before hand: 'all the bunnies are in close proximity so be sure not to spam the pet snack, just a single click' ... so there is the possibility that someone(s) spammed PS and tamed them all, with only the last one displaying as their pet... that leaves a time gap between server/client(s) on the level change to "empty" ... I know you (FF) have talked about the creature level getting sent to the client at a later time... although the final White Rabbit kill seemed long enough time gap to have been updated to none if it had been tamed.

# 10



4 năm trước

Me gustaria saber donde los descubristeis Esos conejos blancos asi podria investigar sobre eso

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 13

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