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I've 3 questions!

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7 năm trước

Whatzzup? I'm starting to get addictive to this game, maybe i can draw Firefly caricature to show my gratitude lol Let's get to the point, Oh wise ones answer my doubts! 1° There's a limit to buy lands? I've lot of ideas and i want to build the bests of my inventions that i did in Minecraft :D 2° Is there yellow or red blocks in this game? I need these blocks to build my pikachu hodama castle 3° Are we going to have new classes? Would love to play as dwarf, they're awesome

# 2



7 năm trước

Nice ideas. I would agree. Don't judge my building I'm new ;)

# 3


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Lol Hi, I'm addicted too, this game is awesome. As of RIGHT NOW there's a limit to claimed lands. 48 But... dun dun dun maybe in the future Firefly will shock us all. There are no solid yellow (there's orange marble, which when paired with a natural light can be more yellowish) or red blocks in this game (not including natural substances) If you want to know a list of natural substances to find in game that are yellow and red (chaos crystal) I can type that for you, just would have to double check first. However you can get creative and if you want a block to appear red, you can use the red light near black marble blocks and tiles to get the closest to red. This lighting technique works on many blocks and materials, so you have to play around to find how you can to make colour without having lights everywhere lol. you can also hide lights in the floor or behind sculptures and place blocks on top and the trick will work. The only block that doesn't absorb light well is the white marble, but that can be handy when you want light to pick and choose which things are affected by light in a room. oh but that violet light though... so powerful, it reflects on everything. lol Recently there's been a lot of chatter about this in the streams, while Firefly is working on many many things to make the game better, he mentioned that new classes take a lot of time, effort, time effort... lol time, with new classes come logo redesign and things like that. He also mentioned that the 4 classes we have now seems to bring satisfaction as players tend to stick mostly with the class they like best and feel most comfortable playing. Some players switch depending on situation but according to him it's about a 25%/25%/25%/25% percent spit of players who play each class. :) What's your favourite class? Hope that helped lol

# 4


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

:) Poznan23 don't worry, Angeldust is a judge free zone lol or at least we players try to make it that way.

# 5



7 năm trước

Yellow blocks are plenty: sand, gold, bamboo! I think there's red blocks somewhere too, but they are hard to find.

# 6



7 năm trước

Hey IM Luck I have 3 question 1.How To chat? 2.How to trade or can players trade?? 3.FireFly are you the creator of AngelDust???

# 7



7 năm trước

1. 2. You can't 3. Yes

# 8



7 năm trước

Answers: 1. to chat press T and a chat log will open. there won't be a video chat as it will cause the game to lag for everyone. 2. i think no one has ask that feature b4, maybe firefly will take that into consideration.. 3. yes firefly is the creator of Angeldust

# 9



7 năm trước

There barely any items to trade, you can't just give your weapon or give them a material, to me, it wouldn't make sense

# 10



7 năm trước

Many thanks for the help mates, mainly you Mercy Parker, your tips gave me determination to find new blocks..even if I'm getting my bass kicked by monsters xD Lord Firefly, we going to have thread categories too? Like "Introduce yourself" or "News discussions" on the main page?

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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