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Option to Unclaim Chunk ONLY IF...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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4 năm trước

There's a limited number of land claims a player may have under a player name. I understand why you don't want people to be able to abandoned their claimed chunks if they have built something. However, sometimes a chunk is claimed by accident. Please consider allowing the player to be able to release a claimed chunk if the following conditions are met: No building or alterations to the claimed chunk have ever been made by the player. Maybe you could give a partial game coin refund, or no refund at all, either way, when a player accidentally claims a chunk that is unwanted there should be a way to release it back to unclaimed status as long as no alterations have been made; even if it means that the game coin investment is lost. Free the Unwanted Claims!!! Kind regards.

# 2



4 năm trước

I appreciate the continued brainstorming on the idea of un-claiming, but I'm still very reluctant (what else is new). The problem with the "may not have modified the claim" condition is that initially the claim is in that state, but it is provably impossible to revert a claim to that state once you've done even a modest amount of landscaping or construction on it. That doesn't seem intuitive or useful at all. I would think—and feel free tell me I'm wrong—that claiming the wrong land isn't really going to happen now that we have the "enter description" dialog in-game. To me, it seems pretty hard to not notice opening up the telecharger, clicking "Claim this land" in the middle of the screen and then also clicking in the bottom right of the screen or pressing the Enter-key twice. But hey—I'm in a good mood. If you are a player I trust (being around on the livestream) and you have a claim you want gone on your main account(s) that I can recognize as such, I'll take a shot at removing a few. Don't start posting giant lists here, but I'm all for removing accidental claims that don't have a lot of building activity.

# 3



4 năm trước

The door cracks open (shocked, but happy) ... I'm confused why player mods have anything to do with unclaim. ... I can take you to a VERY large hunting grounds that has zero "player" mods, is unclaimed (with the exception of the griefer claims), and looks NOTHING like the original game would have rendered it. When a player does claim land, it gives them the ability to change whatever state it's in to how they'd like it to be (and further, prevents future "creature modifications".) I won't (yet) push you further (FF knows what I'm talking about) but I'm quite certain your player base has been asking for unclaim for a long time.

# 4



4 năm trước

I've re-read your (FF) post and you appear to be going after original intent as opposed to change of heart/mind. That seems like a slippery slope to me. Unclaim for any reason should be the rule, just as the current "claim for any reason" applies. (When the original motive/intent for claim is to grief, the game does nothing to prevent it) Preventing accidental claims could be solved by popping up the map, showing the currently claimed land, and asking for a confirmation for the "about to be claimed" land... but that seems really cumbersome and counterproductive when claiming take place in creature hostile areas and under attack (by creatures) ... been there done that.

# 5



4 năm trước

Unclaim should have a cost, (ie net loss to repeatingly claim/unclaim)

# 6



4 năm trước

I love the part where he says " if your'e a player I trust". Hints at a bit of megalomania if you ask me, which you didn't... My first reaction was: " doesn't the game show me the land as it was before I touched it, and then as I enter the claim it seems to render the current state due to my being there?" Of course this probably is affected by my short view distance due to predominantly mobile gameplay. I for one have over two dozen Alt accounts now, and have not once claimed by accident, so I just don't understand how that could happen, but ok I guess. I think maybe a "transfer" or "sell claim" option would make more sense, over trying to return it to the game default anyway. To be honest I enjoy the fact that that there's at least a portion of the game that says to the player "hey, you gotta live with that, you get everything else handed to you". I get how it can be frustrating to not have all your ducks in a row, to have random claims on the list or have to switch accounts just to lay a tile down for teleport reasons to another account claim or what have you, but again, soooo much space, so easy to not make many mistakes if your paying attention to what your doing. As far as a refund for the 1000 coin is concerned give me break on that one, pretty sure you get "free" coin enough everyday by just clicking that play together button. On a good day a decent player can take in well over 25,000 coin in only a few hours, trust me, so a 1000 coin refund would be small potatoes. As I was typing I thought maybe a period of time after purchase of a claim the option to reconsider and return claim to the game would be nice, I don't know like ten minutes or something, it opens its own can of worms though too so, maybe just stop storm clicking and plan better?

# 7



4 năm trước

I'm not sure if we're all talking about the same thing. I'm potentially open (while I'm in a good mood) to remove stray claims you might have on your main account(s) so you can clean up your list and claim something else. I'm not about to remove any claims by others. I read ColtsWalker's initial post as meaning they have a few spurious claims on a main account and want to replace those with more useful ones. Before removing a claim (and I'm unsure if I can actually do it) I will check if the claim is almost empty.

# 8



4 năm trước

wartaint - you have neither the correct idea of what is being requested (by me) nor the correct assumed reason for the request. Please review the text carefully.

# 9



4 năm trước

Firefly - I’m considering what would be objectionable to you about this function that has been requested by others besides me, although with some differences in the details. I am trying to think about it from a developer and support perspective (putting myself in your shoes.) I think you are trying to avoid players manipulating their claims between alt accounts for some kind of “net gain” effect. I also believe there is a desire to prevent players from building something, then relinquishing their claim in a moment of poor judgment, and losing player structures around the world or, turning over their builds to another player which can potentially create other problems. A discussion on some kind of “builder’s market” is outside of the scope and intent of what I am suggesting. Am I correctly understanding the basic reasons for the reluctantly?

# 10



4 năm trước

________________________________________ How about... Consider making it cost the same amount of game currency to relinquish a claim as it is to purchase a claim. Claims can only be relinquished once the fee is paid, and the majority of player placed blocks are manually demolished. Since no one can restore the claim perfectly, the game engine applies the logic that if fewer than X custom blocks remain then the claim and be relinquished for a fee. The safeguards suggested help to ensure 1. Players cannot build something then relinquish the claim - prevents build swapping 2. Players have to pay to relinquish the claim - prevents players from using the option to excess 3. Players are not likely to build something time consuming and complex then relinquish the claim as they would have to manually demolish the build block by block: it is better to have a world full of interesting structures than demolished chunks. So, the majority of use for this function would be by players that are not using a claim (because it was purchased by mistake, build plans changed, or better organization is desired) and want to be rid of it, or move anti-grief buffer claims from a primary to alt account. The safeguard would discourage if not almost certainly inhibit players from being able to build any significant structure then relinquish the claim. It is something players want (most notably builders) I’m aware of others requesting some kind of ability to dump unwanted claims. Consider how a simple fulfillment of this feature request will likely help player retention and thus produce greater referrals. It is something useful to your players that are focused on large scale builds and attempts at creating a wonder. My own reasoning Like many before me I did not initially make wise choices when purchasing claims on my primary account, mostly because I had to “learn the ropes” before the correct claim purchasing strategy became apparent to me. I just want to move some “anti-grief” buffer claims off my primary account to an alt as I prepare for a large scale build. Most recently the mistake I made was purchasing a build claim when I was logged in as my primary account when I thought I was logged in as an alt. This was my mistake. I would gladly pay another $1000 game coin to release the claim, and then another $1000 to buy it with the alt. The claim is unaltered. That game coin financial penalty will reinforce the idea of being more careful in the future. The requested feature is fairly restrictive and limited thus mitigating the chance of undesired consequences. Kind regards.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 16

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