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ATTN: Steaming City!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 25

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# 11



4 năm trước

I'm pretty happy with keeping the rules in this topic. It's more applicable to the moderators than to visitors and builders. Yesterday I visited the city again a few times and there's more cool stuff popping up every day! This time I was impressed by ColtsWalker's underground catacombs connecting to other buildings. Which eventually lead to another very cool, very red underground temple dedicated to Crimson.

# 12


Streaming City B

4 năm trước

Given the rapid, ongoing progress in quadrant A, is it a good idea to unlock quadrant B for building soon?

# 13


Streaming City B

4 năm trước

After discussing this a bit with the (GM)s, quadrant B is opening up real soon. Send a friend request to me to be able to start building there when it opens up! This second 'beta' or 'bravo' quadrant is located eastwards of the first quadrant. It's another 8x8 except for one missing claim to the northeast.

# 14



4 năm trước

Bumping this topic for great justice. I've been away for a few days—any news or did Streaming City vanish overnight?

# 15



4 năm trước

Obi has become Mayor of Streaming City and rules with an iron fist. Colts -as a Sheriff- takes care of those who don't behave and Angelio hast taken over the last free spaces left. So -just as usual P.S.: Welcome back :)

# 16



4 năm trước

Sounds like business as usual! I take it Angelio has been doing daily quests? And did quadrant B already open up?

# 17



4 năm trước

Yes, he's been a good boy! It's a bit quiet in the city, no wonder when the boss is gone...

# 18



4 năm trước

Angelio - #1 of any other Wonder builders shorted by quests done with (53)+32. So yeah, i think it's kInD oF gOoD ! :P

# 19



4 năm trước

Holo-scroll Regulation #1 : Angelio must quest.

# 20



4 năm trước

I'm bumping this to the top so new players can find and enjoy the Streaming City project. To answer my question above: yes, quadrant B is open for building, come claim a spot! Quadrant A is wrapping up construction and hosts lots of cool buildings.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 25

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