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New ideas of new blocks

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 65

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# 41



4 năm trước

I was thinking that there are buildings that we want to remove to improve, but it is a lot of work to remove that construction because it is large, such as a wall, and I thought that some new material could be added or the bulldozer could be improved. And make it remove those constructions that we want. For example pointing out to the bulldozer what it has to remove from construction.

# 42



4 năm trước

Bunny of life a green bunny and that heals fast is obtained in rewards cost 80 missions for being special. Rhinos, owls, crows, frogs, pheasants, pets, pheasants improve the speed of everything to nearby players. And good because you can not also ride a hydra but that its cost should be high 350 or so, rhino 460 cost. And well it would be nice if the mammoths and rhinos could at least attack to make it more interesting

# 43



4 năm trước

And also make certain special creatures in rewards can make improvements in certain things like speed, attack, defense, healing.

# 44



3 năm trước

I have an idea that could be added on the website or in the player list by simply tapping on that player with wonder to see how many wonders they have done in the game. I'm just saying that it would be a good idea right?

# 45



3 năm trước

Sometimes I use just one switch to turn on a lot of creature mimics but I've seen that the stars don't reach all the mimics and I also changed direction to see if it works but neither. I do not know if he has a trick so that only one switch activates all the imitators, or if he has some error that makes those stars not reach enough for those imitators. In short, it would be good for the stars to reach those imitators according to their distance. Thus, it would not be necessary to place more than one switch.

# 46



3 năm trước

I wish it could also tame pet birds and also even frogs and pheasants, trapers and mount hydras and rhinos. I was also thinking why not even being able to ride scorpions and weedlers I guess that would be quite fun. The more fun things the game has, the more famous that would be for sure :)

# 47



3 năm trước

The only suggestion I want to make for a future update (besides the pvp idea I proposed in another post) is to make the shop a phisical place in the game, like a shopping plaza you teleport where you may have the block shop, a weapon shop, a furniture shop and a color shop (if the hero's colors can be implemented ingame). This way it could also serve the purpose of a gatherplace for players, besides the Play Together button.

# 48



3 năm trước

Making the shop a shared physical place is a pretty spiffy idea! It's completely impossible to shoehorn it into the current design, but it would be a very cool sight to have something like Neferspi's marketplace be the shop and have people walking around. Thanks for the image!

# 49



3 năm trước

hmmmm ... you could create a block (like Holo Scroll) called maybe a "Holo shop" which would make that when you stand on it, it opens the shop. Therefore I think it would be better to remove access to the store from inventory, so that players will have to go to wonders to find stores, and boom, wonders will have a use beside being just visited + it will force them to visit wonder. Obviously it will be necessary to add on the map the location of all the shops in order to not make players bored by looking for stores. And so by putting a NPC (since we're talking about it in the "Holo NPC" topic) we can find ourselves stores with NPC sellers which will be a big step forward in Angeldust. What do you guys think about that ?

# 50



3 năm trước

It seems like a good idea to me so the wonders will be more encouraged by those new ideas for sure. By the way, I have seen that many tones of the music blocks are not 100% all to add more types of sounds, such as the type of bells, and I was thinking that it would be better for each sound block to have a color to be distinguished because sometimes to change the sound you must remove it but since they are all the same color it is very difficult

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 65

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