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New ideas of new blocks

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 65

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# 11



4 năm trước

More new blocks like a machine gun to attack enemies very quickly and make them come away from the attack for the character the builder. And more new blocks like flowers to decorate since also many players say that they would also like to have that block for better decoration. And another block gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, etc., and they glow in the dark, for better decoration :).

# 12



4 năm trước

Road Machine A road builder machine. I make a lot of roads. Bulldozer doesn't help. Previous dig bot could dig in a straight line and prep land for the building of a road. So, not a huge priority, but a road building machine would be cool and it would encourage people to make better road systems in their towns. I tend to work with the landscape so my roads go up and down hills, or sometimes tunnel though mountains. Ima just throwing it out there since you said you're considering building machine concepts. Structure Clone Machine Another concept: a structure clone machine. If we build a structure we would like to clone, like a castle tower, and reproduce that structure it would save time. Build one symmetrical heavily detailed castle tower, clone it, and reproduce 3 more times to provide the four corner towers of a castle. That is an example of how it could be used. Even in a limited capacity (for example, memory only holds one cloned structure at a time) it would be very useful for doing builds with redundant components. New Block Idea More intense directional light block. This block projects a brighter light in a vertical upward or downward direction depending on how it is placed. Now we can properly illuminate the floor space of our builds without the use of floor lights. The problem is, when visitors come to my house, especially the fighter/knight with his heavy iron boots, he keeps stepping on my floor lights and breaking them. It takes hours to sweep up all that broken glass after a party, especially when the guests have had too much Mead.

# 13



4 năm trước

Now I'm intrigued what the "previous dig bot" is…

# 14



4 năm trước

A green plaster could also be added as a block. And you could also add a block such as bio-energy but in green. Oh, and an idea I had you could also add a builder gadget that has the ability to summon some creatures capable of helping to attack enemies that attack or are damaged. And why not also have the ability to help the builder to build something? I think it is not a bad idea. What do you think?

# 15



4 năm trước

New block that occurred to me and it would be a good block to use torches to illuminate and that has the illumination of a real torch and that sounds like it is burning like a real and sounding torch. Oh and another block because not a mini teleport to teleport from one wall to another, that is, to cross walls where there is a house made and it is a hidden house without an entrance to be able to enter that easily. Or a block that is a door that can be Adapted to blocks of the walls or the same as the walls and that only the owner who put the block can enter or that only those people who the owner who put it wants to enter can pass. So it's easier don't you think? In order not to be very difficult to hide a house or some secret house, I would like there to be that block so that not many players and train in certain places that one does not want

# 16



4 năm trước

Because the truth is that many players want to see everything, even if we say that it is not possible, it is secret or it is not a good place. Whatever we say, the players always enter the teleporters to go see or enter the doors or enter the walls. from another field that the truth bothers a lot. And I thought that perhaps there should be some block unless it has the capacity to make nobody enter the places that one does not want. And letting only those you want to enter would be much better and easier and calmer the situation would be, I suppose. Oh, but not being able to put that in wonder is what it is for. Oh and that only the owner of the land can put that block and that only he has that permission of the land of that block

# 17



4 năm trước

New blocks of fruits and vegetables to make houses and things like that. And also another way to put normal fruits and vegetables on the floor or wherever you want for decoration, for example, pumpkins, watermelons, etc. Enviar. New block umbrellas and summer stuff.

# 18



4 năm trước

New green mage staff idea creates a temporary protective shield that makes enemy attacks harmless. And to friends it heals slowly and it also cures the poison or paralyzing effect. Archer: Blue Bow of the Wind causes the archer to greatly increase her speed temporarily and her friends if she reaches her arrows, also increases healing speed, and to attack faster, Builder: Golem Machine puts a machine on the ground capable of summoning A stone golem capable of defending the builder and further increasing the builder's defense, the golem has the ability to also clear land without being anyone's land due to its immense stomps that damage around enemies. Warrior: mega sword sword that can be extended and attack at a great distance and is also capable of attacking creatures in the air. What do you think of this idea I had?

# 19



4 năm trước

New Block Fruit Trees. Block new trees with flowers

# 20



4 năm trước

I was thinking that as the pink creatures are legendary you don't think they should light up like, the Golden Creatures to be more striking and I thought that in the future you could also add new creatures such as goats, pegasus fish capable of flying like the unicorn dragons that shine the horn and have aura, gargoyles, and there is another creature like the priestess of secrecy that is a large winged mega dragon, many fantastic creatures and animals. It would be great if there were those types of creatures, so this game would be more famous and many more players would want to play for these new things, and also add some biomes like a mega cave, a biome mixed with lilac and red creatures, and that this biome would call equilibrium of equilibrium. Reds and lilacs and that there are hydra bosses and rabbits in that biome. Equilibrium. Also a biome. Make it all very mysterious with mist. And that it is called enigmatic, and that there is a beach biome something very similar to a beach.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 65

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