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Wonder permanence

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Bưu kiện 1–10 của 26

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4 năm trước

I just visited Paxanima—it was completely destroyed. This is no longer a build I'm proud to show off as a wonder and I will remove it from the wonders list soon unless something reappears that does justice to its former state. It happened to some earlier wonders too where builders completely ruined everything that made the wonder a wonder. In the future I'll consider freezing a build as part of the wonder process so it's forever preserved. I do understand that most players don't want to ruin their wonders and would like to continue building it out, but it's a precaution against scenarios like these. Let me know your thoughts.

# 2



4 năm trước

permanence seems like a reasonable price to pay for the 'fame'. (spoken as someone who's never qualified as a WB)

# 3



4 năm trước

You do well firefly so the wonders are safer.And don't worry there will be another new wonder and it is mine it is spring and it is looking very nice and I built new things and they were great to be the first time in those new things you will love it 😁 😊😊

# 4



4 năm trước

Sorry Firefly but I am completely against this idea of ​​not being able to change or improve a construction when it is a wonder. For example Nefer'spi wouldn't no longer be able to progress, Countworth Du whilha also where I plan to build the transition between the village and the environment (I do not intend to touch up anything inside the city) there is also my Eletrod project which I plan to make it become a wonder, this project should become a public Hub which should give access to player to tp to a large part of the places and constructions of thé Angeldust world, if I can not rebuild there anymore at Eletrod, how I will add the teleportation blocks in my project when a player wants to make a place public so that everyone can access and aventure into it? Please do not put this system which prevents to retuch a project. Plus it does not matter if Paxanima is no longer a wonder, I fully understand this choice, after all I know that it will rebecome a wonder, Alexi does not intend to abandon his project, he can take the time he wants and need so that Paxanima Can rebecome again a wonder. I am sincerely sorry, it will be necessary to find a better idea. I think that it should remain authorized that a wonder can be retouched to be for example updated or to be more detailed. What we should think about is a complete change of a wonder like Paxanima.

# 5


Alexi M

4 năm trước

I don't like the idea of leaving wonders without availability to change it, this is a strong contradiction to the creativity. Such a crap isn't okay and I definitely oppose this, no compromises. Wanna add it? Do you like ruinning your game? Go ahead, do it, add it. As Angelio said, I'm okay if you're really gonna remove Paxanima from the wonders, it's understandable. If here's possible to re-wonder Paxanima, it will be the fair price.

# 6



4 năm trước

@Angelio's: expanding and retouching a wonder when new building possibilities become available is definitely something positive. I think obi-, Rob12 and—in the past—Alexi too showed that it's entirely possible to improve a wonder after it's been added. In the meantime I've seen 'Le Royaume' fall into complete disrepair with weird additions, and now Alexi decided to gut and burn down Paxanima. Neither of these places is now in a state that I like to promote to new players. Paxanima was, and is, extensively featured in Angeldust's promotional materials. With a single player one-sidedly deciding to make sure nobody can ever experience the game like that anymore is a sad situation for me to be in. Paxanima was even the first joint-wonder where two players got credit. Both their work is now single-handedly and literally ruined. I guess it's like the old Wing Commander quote: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." But I'm not going to police everyone's wonders 24/7. What I'm going to do: patch the server so I can interactively hide wonders from the rotation. I think wonder builders have earned their land and claim border after being promoted to a wonder, but your time in the public spotlight will only last as long as your wonder is wonder-worthy. I see wonders as public gardens that people frequent. You can take care of them, landscape a bit and do maintenance, but as soon as you dig up the entire place I'll hide you so the public traffic stops coming in. I see wonders as stable attractions, not public sandbox. If you want to build a new wonder, build a new wonder. Simple as that. I'll probably run out this server patch tomorrow morning, early UTC. I have to wrap up work on my new PBR render engine that I wanted to show off at Paxanima. Talk about irony.

# 7



4 năm trước

@Firefly I understand that it hurts you deeply to see what Paxanima looks like at the moment even if it is simply being redesigned. I agree that it would have been better if Alexi had decided to simply build a new project instead of completely rebuilding Paxanima. But it's his choice and you have to accept it. When a construction becomes a wonder, the player who built it does not give it, he shares it, and it is his choice. The wonder system as it is is very good, there's nothing to change, if a wonder no longer represents as it was before which made it a wonder then just remove it from the list, end of story . It is important to keep the free choice of the artist with his work, otherwise to freeze a wonder becomes a steals of territories and I refuse that there is a "price to pay" or you will risk ending up with a less wonders in the list because of fear of the constructor losing constrol of his own construction. Believe me Firefly, letting the artist be able to touch up his project is the best thing to do, or else the wonders will lose all spirit of adventure and history. Accept the choices of others. Again, freezing wonders is a huge mistake, believe me. @Hummm The idea of ​​"paying a price" to share a construction that you put all your heart into is a very bad idea, believe me. @Alexi "Wanna add it? Do you like ruinning your game? Go ahead, do it, add it." It is not by provoking that things will be resolved.

# 8



4 năm trước

How about this: Wonders are frozen when they're added, when a builder wants to add stuff to the wonder, he must report it to Firefly, who then unfreezes it, the builder could also tell what his plan is (complete destruction / redesign, a new city district or just a small touch up)... no 24/7 policing, no builders being upset and fair. Perhaps in the future, to remove the delay of telling Firefly and waiting for him to unfreeze it, this could be automated with a button the builder presses that notifies Firefly... Firefly can go see what the builder has done and decides if its still a wonder or not. I believe the owner should have full power over whats in his build. If the builder feels like destroying / "redesigning" it, he simply must tell Firefly and gets it removed. - I would greatly dislike getting my wonders frozen, as all I work on are existing or soon will be wonders (Neferspi & Ekplixi), which have been and will be growing after gaining the wonder title.

# 9



4 năm trước

The idea of asking for permission by revealing what you intend to do and therefore destroying the surprise and waiting patiently before being authorized to modify a construction is a NO. The builder must keep the possibility of touching up a construction when he wishes without authorization, or else there will be no good surprises or new adventures.

# 10



4 năm trước

@Angelio: You forget who's game you're playing. It's not yours. FF owns it all.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 26

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