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Wonder permanence

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–26 của 26

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# 21



4 năm trước

This update is live and Angeldust currently lists sixteen wonders instead of eighteen as Paxanima used to count for two. Let me know if you run into any weird connection problems or other oddnesses. Also: if this update improves your connection I'd be more than happy to hear about it, too.

# 22



4 năm trước

@ FF I think this is totally your game and only you decide what becomes a wonder. So I think that you should also have the power to remove something that no longer constitutes being listed as a wonder. I liked Obi's Idea of gaining permission to alter their wonder as well. Sort of like lodging a building application to the council. I can see how wonder builders like to have a bit of secrecy about new builds, but to totally rip down something should require permission.

# 23



4 năm trước

I think this debate should remain as it is for the moment. It would be better if we talk more about it in the live stream in order to settled this topic once and for all.

# 24



4 năm trước

As far as I'm concerned the current issue is solved in an acceptable way for all involved parties. Wonder moderation has always been, and in the foreseeable future will remain totally in my hands. As long as we're able to resolve things amicably I think we're doing fine. Unless everyone starts griefing and demolishing their own wonders I think we can just go on like we did. I treat all you wonder builders with respect and dignity and I hope that feeling is mutual. What does warrant more discussion however is the networking code fix. I did some preliminary testing with packet loss and artificial delay and I feel that yellow bars now recover much more reliably. Please share your current experiences if you used to have yellow bars before.

# 25



4 năm trước

@ FF, I have noticed a small improvement in yellow bar episodes, most notable was during my morning hunt I found that creatures were actually staying in their positions and not zipping across the world at breakneck speed and I no longer kept hitting the creature long after it was dead today lol. Building tonight was laggier but that could be due to heavier traffic at this time of day. I'm still not sure about that, because where we live now we are usually the only modem within coo-ee (shouting distance).

# 26



4 năm trước

@Rob12: the changes probably won't make much of a difference for regular network congestion or "naturally high" latency, but it should solve a few (rare? extreme?) cases where the game would never recover from yellow bars while you would still see the creatures and heroes to continue to move around you. This happened to me in the past and with this new version it should 100% be a thing of the past.

Bưu kiện 21–26 của 26

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