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Best Class

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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7 năm trước

I know it is only a matter of preference and there isn't a best class but I figured I'd share my opinion and listen to yours. I myself have only played as the Builder and never had the desire to try the other classes. I love spamming turrets in circles around what I'm hunting then smacking them with my hammer after I have proper cover fire. I also like being able to heal myself with potions or play a support role when in a hunting party. Also I like to create so I am a builder at heart so the class represents me best. I can at times be a little destructive as well so having some bombs for demolition can be fun. Also I plan to get more practice in when hunting but I'm lazy and turret spam just makes more sense becomes they seem to do more damage in numbers. I'm a builder and I know even though I can't be always physically dominant on the front line but I can formidable and play as a support in groups. Any way if the topic interested you feel free to share your thoughts because I most likely won't play the other classes but would like to hear about them.

# 2


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Soooo if you Like the builder, I think you'll love the sorcerer lol. Well, here are reasons why I do When I first started playing I stuck with Scout for her aiming hitmark, her cool bows, and shes just so freakin cute "Al-yuuh" LOL , but when I saw another player FLYING, I told myself "I want to fly too" Lol So I did And I fell in love with it. You can attack while flying, heal others, shield projectiles, and even melee those nifty owls and ravens that like to sneak attack you. Many have trouble knowing that you can heal yourself as sorcerer but find out on accident. You just have to point your wand towards something to redirect the orb into yourself (trees, piles of grass, other players lol) There are a few things I don't like, such as aiming can be a little tricky with the long range wand (red) but it's something you learn how to master, and know exactly where your projectiles will land. You get to take a stand off approach while in a fight, be at a distance if you want, and still offer substantial help. Plus Sorcerer is the biggest support role. In large groups depending on the type of enemies we come across, I might spend that battle just air shielding projectiles and healing. I may not get to fight, but I know I'm helping my friends be able to fight longer without exhausting lol

# 3



7 năm trước

Fellow Builder enthusiast, hello :) If there were statistics tracking how many times I play any of the 4 Angeldust classes... right now I think it might be ZERO for everything except the Builder... and I started playing sometime in November last year, and logged in almost everyday for the livestreams until I got a bit of serious sickness during the holidays... still in resting/taking it easy mode right now. =) But I do love the Builder too... only class I been choosing to play most... was the first one I picked when the Angeldust login screen popped up for the first time ever... and I grew an attachment for the fellow's humble clothing... of a peasant/everyday village fella! His voice-acting grew on me, 'sarcastic' is how some describe it, but it's not sarcastic to me... purely quirky; a weird but cool personality! Not a trace of sarcastic/cynical to me! :) The choice of items we get has been interesting too... on a bigger picture, I feel we get to dip some toes into some things the other classes specialize in... with our melee-hammer we get to head into close-combat melee that is similar to how the Knight (Fighter) class plays... although we do less damage understandably and seem to have far less health/defense protection to damage than Knights do... with our healing dispensor we get to provide healing that Sorceresses are known for... with trampolines we get to 'semi-have-air-height-advantage' abilities for fighting, scouting, or general moving around... but only for a few seconds and less controllable than what the Sorceress' flying ability offers -- but it is still something! :) And it helps other players a little more in big groups if you are climbing a mountain... since the server/world is now protected and you cannot place blocks randomly like before. Have to claim the land now! Or have a friend give you permissions to build :) Turrets gives a bit of ability to provided ranged support like the Scout class can, so it really feels like we get to dip into worlds of all the other classes/gameplay abit, but still have let the other classes shine at what they do... and we can just support and have a hand in all their roles abit :) Jack of all Trades, Master of None! Though we do get bombs and axes for items just for the Builder class -- those are handy :) I love the Builder so much I even choose him when a sorceress was requested (for healing) over at ( back on Jan. 10th 2017... for an event by a popular Youtuber... :) I was really thinking of going with sorceress that day... just to meet the request... but Builder won out, and I know if played smartly, the healing dispensers can keep folks alive too! ... until it doesn't. :) Last but not least... even decided on the Builder for the Angeldust-related Twitter account I created just for this game ;) Goofy but confident smile/grin! :) Hurrah for Builders!

# 4


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Yeah I will say the builder has a nice voice, other than Scout it's my favourite. I like the builder's diction and quirky ish tone, ;)He has a certain charm and humble ness to him lol

# 5


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Nice Twitter page Frantum, I love the profile pic lol

# 6



7 năm trước

i kinda like de swordman dude

# 7



7 năm trước

also my flags are flags of luck

# 8



7 năm trước

Sorceress sounds interesting. I didn't know they could fly until yesterday when Firefly was on I warped to him and seen a few flying in the huge crowd of people. Pro Tip warp to the dev when he's on because you get gold and levels very fast. Nice to see a fellow builder.Bbeluga care to elaborate about you swordman experience?

# 9


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I honestly think the swordsman is still underpowered, despite his substantially higher damage. Namely it's due to his lack of range. Either his attack range should be improved, or his damage. I think improving the attack range would work better. Another possibility is to decrease the damage that he takes and/or increase his maximum health. The scout is really good, although she doesn't have a heal skill. Builders are great, but are useless without a support team.

# 10



7 năm trước

It does seem, like the Fighter should have better defense, with all that armor and a shield. It'd be nice to have a couple of shields with different characteristics and powers to choose from... perhaps, that'll come in later versions. I'm mostly interested in being able to get rid of Claimed Land that I no longer want, so I can claim more desirable land. I don't really care if I get reimbursed at all for it... it's the price to pay for making a bad decision.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 11

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