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Network, lag improvements

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4 năm trước

I've just tweaked the server's kernel network stack to improve in-game network performance and reduce lag. This should result in better and more consistent interactivity as well as quicker clearing of yellow bars. For everyone regularly running into network problems: any feedback on perceived differences is welcome. This change comes after many hours of diagnosing network packet captures and investigating operating system kernel behavior. If real-life improvements are as good as my initial tests, I'll write more about the technical details in the future. To manage expectations: this change will not magically fix everything and the laws of physics still apply to your wireless and wired transmissions. But a large subset of network problems should be handled more quickly and gracefully now. (There's also a chance that my tweaks make things worse for some players. I'm interested in feedback either way!)

# 2



4 năm trước

wrong time of day for me to do meaningful network testing, but it sure seems like an improvement.

# 3



4 năm trước

For me, the lag/yellow bars are far worse now than ever before. It is impossible to hunt or build now. Can't do quests or anything. since you tweaked it.

# 4



4 năm trước

Here's the official Hummm report: 11 accounts on 7 devices: (2x Mac, Linux, Windows, 2x iOS, Android) all behind a single home router (some Wifi) Normally, I get multiple minutes of YBs, when an instance of YB goes beyond 5 minutes I relog. Not uncommon to re-log 5-6 times an hour. Tonight, I had one brief instance of YB, but more importantly, I was able to continue playing (moving, shooting, healing) with only a slight amount of lag.

# 5



4 năm trước

The Internet is better, the yellow bars do not appear so much and the game is cut a lot for that reason. But the game goes very very slow every so often. And in pvp also if there is more than one player.

# 6



4 năm trước

Well, my yellow bars come on almost instantly now. If I move my player about 5 game meters it's full-on yellow bars for anywhere up to a minute or two. All creature's coins and chests disappear. If I wait until bars disappear then move another 5 game meters and the same again. It was not this bad for me before at least I could move a bit more before the full yellow. Easy quest today took me over an hour, had to re-log 7-8-9-10 times. I got killed because the creatures all disapeared and next thing I know I'm dead.

# 7



4 năm trước

nooooooo please Type your message here.because laaagggg

# 8



4 năm trước

@Rob12 what OS?

# 9



4 năm trước

@Hummm, Windows 8.1

# 10



4 năm trước

do you have any other OS options (if even only temporary for a test) ?

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