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RFC: NPC auto-spawn

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 118

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# 31



3 năm trước

@Rob12: I'm willing to add #'s for every NPC you want to spawn manually if you give me a list. It would be helpful to known the NPC names, hero types and the coordinates they spawn at. Modifying the actual builds/circuits is not something I want to (or can) do, as I have no idea how you want things to look afterwards. I'm afraid that will be more manual labor for you, sorry about that. I think the work is offset by now having persistent NPCs everywhere. As for the post #25 aesthetics: based on the limited response and my personal preference I'm probably going with the ~ Name ~ scheme. I understand @obi-'s line of reasoning, but (GM) is an actual role where (NPC) is more of a technicality. I feel NPCs are much warmer and personal when hiding (NPC) and adding a small ~ flourish ~ to their name. This way you're not constantly reminded that these characters are entirely fictional. One last tweak I want to do, to fix another upcoming problem: if an NPC is idling (looking towards players) and standing above a holo scroll, I will make them regularly repeat their chat line if a player is nearby. This way you can still somewhat "interact" with them, even if they initially spawned some distance away. That change also enables you to make a cool NPC with some flavor text and lore without having to do any routing. (In general: the entire plan is probably two-staged: I will roll out the update temporarily so we can see if there are unforeseen problems and then either commit or revert it based on feedback.)

# 32



3 năm trước

> One last tweak I want to do, to fix another upcoming problem: if an NPC is idling (looking towards players) and standing above a holo scroll, I will make them regularly repeat their chat line if a player is nearby. This way you can still somewhat "interact" with them, even if they initially spawned some distance away. I love this idea, would be cool if we could add multiple things they can say. (I did this by spawning a seperate NPC to say a different line in Nefer'spi, but the NPC spawning sounds and no chat bubble break immersion) Maybe each choice could be encased in "" so the start and end is marked. (there are probably much better ways to do it) Example: "Hello!" "Hi!" "Bye!" The NPC would then flip trough their choices when interacting with the player. And while we're at it, a way to add the players name into the NPCs response and similar stuff would be cool. Example: "Hello [player]" "Goodbye [player]" The NPC would then replace the '[player]' tag with the player's name. [player] - nearest player [npc] - nearest NPC ... (I don't expect this to be added, just throwing out some ideas)

# 33



3 năm trước

Ok I shall begin making a list, but I'll wait and see the results of the test update before I remove any photon wiring. As for your final tweak I think it's a great idea. I was going to ask you about that, in a different way. Because auto-spawning the NPC meant he would only say words once unless he was on a repeating path. But you have solved it for us.

# 34



3 năm trước

@obi-: including the player's name in a message is something I thought up, too. It's entirely possible, but I'm not sure when or how I'll add it. Multiple sentences in one would be cool too with the new interaction model. I think it could be simpler too: just adding a single underscore between messages. Like, your holo scroll text would be: First message._Second message._Third message. Cool idea. @Rob12: I think I'll roll out the update tomorrow for testing. We'll keep it up for a day or so to see if it's any good. In the meantime I've been testing with the ~ Name ~ decoration and it does feel a lot more warm and friendly. If you don't supply a name, the NPC will simply be named ~ NPC ~. The upsides of this name decoration scheme are that the NPC name is centered and the tildes (~) take over the role of the flag and level indicator that are shown for regular players.

# 35



3 năm trước

I was first thinking of something similar to "First message._Second message._Third message.", but wasn't sure what character would be the best... Sometimes people could want to use the "_" in their actual message, so not sure what char would be best. (example: ~ NPC ~: Figure out my word! _ _ _ _ _) I thought about $ or %, but that would be often used for shopkeepers saying the price or discount.

# 36



3 năm trước

I was thinking of the problem when an NPC says something that includes the [player name] indicator, but no player is nearby. What then? Replace the player name with nothing? Here's two examples: Good day, [player name]! –> Good day, Firefly! –> Good day, ! Hey [player name], let's go find some coins! –> Hey Firefly, let's go find some coins! –> Hey , let's go find some coins! Makes sense? This would be independent of the actual [player name] indicator symbol. An alternative would be to prevent the entire message from being broadcast. As for the [player name] indicator: maybe '^'? Or multi-character, like '[]' (square brackets) or the printf()-like '%s'? Then, the multiple messages in one holo scroll: maybe just use the # for this? It's already in use for quick messages and other NPC functions, so kinda makes sense: First message.#Second message.#Third message.

# 37



3 năm trước

Replacing it with nothing sounds good, but maybe we could go a step further and add a 'placeholder' that shows up when there's no player nearby... Example: the [] could signify 'replace with player', and the text within would be the placeholder. Good day, [traveler]! –> Good day, Firefly! –> Good day, traveler! Con: This would limit the [] to be only used by the [player] indicator and for any other special things like this we'd need to use something different, like {} or similar. As for the [player name] indicator: maybe '^'? Or multi-character, like '[]' (square brackets) or the printf()-like '%s'? '%s' sounds great, but couldn't support the placeholder idea (correct me if I'm wrong), also, less char's used for it the better, as there's a char limit for the holo scroll if I remember correctly.

# 38



3 năm trước

> An alternative would be to prevent the entire message from being broadcast. This could also be a good idea. An expansion to this would be: If player nearby say(A), else say(B) -- could probably be 'hacked-in' using the #: #Good day, %s!#What a good day it is! –> Good day, Firefly! (player nearby) –> What a good day it is! (no player nearby) "#Good day, %s!" gets skipped and "#What a good day it is!" is played. Probably better than the [placeholder] idea, as here you can change the whole message, not just what shows up instead of 'playername' when there's no player nearby.

# 39



3 năm trước

Gotta draw a line somewhere! I like your placeholder/replacement idea. For now I want to focus on [player name] only, so having a single feature work is already infinitely better than having none. Your suggestion of: Hello [traveler], welcome to the inn! Is very, very workable I think. This lets players set up their own placeholders, matching the source language and sentence flow really well. Great idea! (Famous last words.) I'm currently testing the NPC chat repetition with players nearby and it's really good. Combined with NPC persistence it feels like a totally new experience. Chat repetition is available only on idling NPCs that are standing still, not in other states. You can now spawn a static, persistent NPC that chats to the player without any photon blocks or navigation markers. You just need a holo scroll below ground, then the ground and above it a photon imitator defining a persistent NPC. Another upside: when these NPCs spawn they don't chat immediately, only when players get nearby.

# 40



3 năm trước

I'm really liking the multiple choice text... the obvious (to me) solution for choosing a message delimiter that may want to be used in the text is "escaping" ... example using #, but works for any delimiter... "This text uses the \# delimiter in the message#This message does not#This message is useless"

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 118

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