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Call for testers

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 58

Trước « 1 2 3 4 5 6 » Kế tiếp

# 21



3 năm trước

sorry for delay ... yard work ... yes that runs. thanks

# 22



3 năm trước

Hello! Good afternoon, stop everyone, it's good to be here again to talk about the offline mode (^ ¿^) the offline mode has few items, blocks, materials but what I really mean is that the offline mode doesn't save buildings I don't know if it happens with you, but with me, yes. I don't know if this is a bug, normal to the game, I don't know anything, the only thing I know is that I go to the bathroom to do my needs 0_0 I have to do thatͺ͵ͺͺ͵ͺ͵͵ ͺmore bye bye bye Split

# 23



3 năm trước

<rant on> more on "quick shovel" the label is WAY OFF ... it is NOT a "quick shovel" it is still a shovel toggle ... in my mind: completely unneeded and useless. we used to have quick shovel ... ie I could fire continuously with my left mouse and if I happened over some undiscovered new dirt (you know, glowy gold stuff seen by new players) I could hit 1 right click w/out missing a beat. The disaster we have now is total game interruption: ... toggle to shovel, click the shovel, toggle back. ugh! 4-5 alternating clicks instead of 1 alternate click. I'm better off typing a "1" clicking left, then typing "5" back to my Havoc. <rant off>

# 24



3 năm trước

@Schnider dude ... get your own thread... this one is for beta testing feedback

# 25



3 năm trước

Loving smooth scroll!

# 26



3 năm trước

I have noticed that the 3D magician's face painting is barely visible.

# 27



3 năm trước

@Hummm: calling the quick shovel a disaster sounds very bad! First of all, I'm renaming the menu option to 'Shovel'. This better matches player expectations with the block picker and goggles. As for functionality: would a '"blind" quick shovel' action be of use? Like aim, press the button and the shovel is invoked right there and then, without switching out your active item? You wouldn't see the outcome beforehand, but it would give you a shovel action for every press of the button. With the new input mapping screens I'm able to add more advanced actions that expert players want to use, without cluttering everything for beginning players. On top of that, I'll look into adding mouse buttons to the mappable controls. It was something I didn't have time for yet. The mouse buttons naturally fit together with the key mappings I feel.

# 28



3 năm trước

you say that as if it never existed... that is the way it worked for the first few years...

# 29


Mayckon Mz

3 năm trước


# 30



3 năm trước

@FF, I did put the whole thing in <rant> marks ... ya, sorry a bit harsh... we love the beta and your continued efforts to make AD better.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 58

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