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7 năm trước

I debated doing this for about a week but here goes please beware a player called kamilox he is a griefer will claim near you even if you ask him please don't this is the kind of thing that has me limiting all incoming request for friendship sorry everyone that i am denying one bad apple ruins it for the whole basket

# 2



7 năm trước

My definition of grief would be more like you allow a person to build on you claim then they just break every thing to be a troll. As for a person claiming near you I would think it would depend on your view of near you is. I don't think I would be all that bothered by some one who claims land around my claim. It might be cool to have a neighbor because it gets lonely out there and honestly anything I haven't claimed I technically don't own so it's free for anyone to take. Now if it's a situation were some one is claiming exactly right next to me just to troll like blocking entrance to my builds just to be a troll like people have experienced then I could see being annoyed by that. So if it's a situation like they claim in view and not directly next to you then it's really not a big deal and consider it might be cool to see builds near yours. If it's the situation that they are being a troll I think eventually FireFly will remedy the situation soon as he mentioned it in a prior posting. As of now we only get 48 claims so it would be an incredible waste to just to make claims to upset people.

# 3


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Naw you should've seen what Kamilox did to Capt...TWICE now. Even after Cappt asked him nicely, I even offered to buy him 2 plots of land elsewhere if he wanted to spam poison barrels on it. We all gathered to try and compromise with him. It's like if someone claimed right next to you, let's say a claim where you built the entrance to a city, took you hours of digging, and building really high into the sky. It's beautiful, and before you get the chance to buy the next claim to continue on, someone spams poison blocks all the way up to your claim. You ask them nicely, they covertly give you the finger and do it all over again to another build of yours. But yeah, General claiming isn't a problem, that is. But like you said Lfod, Firefly is aware and brainstorming lol You'd be surprised. If you're a troll, you don't take this game seriously.

# 4


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Btw, anyone ever notice the front of my House (profile Pic) spells "M P" lol Mercy Parker ~random aside~

# 5



7 năm trước

yea this isn't about asking firefly to fix anything if the game stays as is I will just adapt like I have already done (doubling size of city in this case) this is simply a warning for others to beware this player and others you don't know very well maybe we can start an Angeldust's most wanted list lol and just to clear things up kamilox only spammed those barrels there after I said I wouldn't grant permission to build on my land from now on there will be a one claim buffer around all my big builds

# 6


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

Sounds like a crazy right wing libertarian in my (Real Life) city who was recently fined. He decided to buy a piece of land by the river and empty porter potties onto it, than cried government oppression when he was fined. For the longest time the city thought their sewage system was broken and ended up paying massive fines to the EPA. They never did sic the EPA on the asshole. (They should have thrown the book at him.)

# 7


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

There are several things that can be done to reduce this. First restrict buying claims until someone gets a specified number of coins, or give an upfront cost for your first 5 claims. Since this prevents claims from being gotten without some investment, it discourages a big handful of problems relating to claimed land by making a necessary minimum time investment in an account before you can claim land.

# 8



7 năm trước

Well after reading your description I would have to agree that wouldn't be the type of person I would want to be friends with. Like you suggested saving up the coin to buy all the claims at once would be helpful. I don't think it solves the problem of trolls. Why I liked this game is because it didn't have the brutal online interaction like my other favorite game "Growtopia". Sadly I guess people will always find ways to be immature and ruin others experience. Not sure there would be an easy solution to this. I would at least like to be able to sacrifice that claim even if I needed to save gold for another then remove that person from my list. The only other option I can think of is having people with the power to do so remove troll claims and place temporary band onto an account. It sure is a tough situation to correct. I know you may not want Firefly to have to go out of his way to correct stuff but as this game grows more trolls will come and wouldn't it be better to deal with it now instead of people to continue to run into this problem? Sure you can warn about this person but he won't be the last to do this. The situation will continue to be a problem until some how corrected

# 9


Quagmire Warrior

7 năm trước

As of right now, the only people I'll allow to build with me, are friends I actually know, or relatives that I can actually club, if they mess with me. Superficial friends aren't friends. They're more like acquaintances, if even that. With that said, I still think the cooperative mode is good to have. I like the idea of having a "Most Wanted" list of bad guys in AngelDust, w/ their infractions listed.

# 10



7 năm trước

''or relatives that I can actually club'' xD

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