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vor 3 Jahre
This week I've added many new player leaderboards to the Angeldust website. I think they're sweet—encouraging engagement with the entire Angeldust community. But there's also a longstanding problem. My vision for the Angeldust leaderboards is to list actual players and not secondary accounts. I believe showing more actual, unique players in the first pages of the leaderboards gives a healthier impression of our community to current and future players, spurring competition. I came up with a fix: as of today I will moderate and hide secondary accounts that keep main player accounts away from top spots on the leaderboards. I believe such moderation is in the best interest of our community and it's good to set a guideline on this front. Creating and having secondary accounts remains no issue, just like before. I will only take action if secondary accounts bubble to the top of a leaderboard, displacing legitimate main player accounts. Each affected, suspected secondary account will receive a private message with information on my decision, and to open up discussion. I'll moderate as impartial and careful as I can. I welcome any and all feedback on the above guideline and its soon increasingly visible consequences. Share your thoughts in this forum topic, a private message or via e-mail.
vor 3 Jahre
In practice this new guideline means that @Hummm will take major casualties on almost every leaderboard to make room for other players. Hummm and I have talked this through, but I was unable to find a solution that worked for both of us. I publicly admit that Hummm's accounts and Angeldust prowess uncovered the leaderboard's fundamental problem of listing 'accounts' versus 'players'. As with all Hummm world-firsts before this, my solution involves sacrifices on Hummm's behalf. So @Hummm, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks for your continued efforts of exploring Angeldust's boundaries. To all of you: the new guideline is not a personal vendetta. It's not meant as punishment. I truly believe I act with the best interests of the Angeldust community in mind. I'm sure I will kick off heated discussions with some of you when your secondary accounts are affected. Please try to have some sympathy for my point of view, and remember Hummm's even bigger sacrifice. :-) If we can weather the storm of this major shake-up, we'll enjoy the resulting improvements for a long time. I promise.
vor 3 Jahre
I support the hiding/removal of alt accounts from the leaderboards. However, I would MUCH prefer a checkbox that players self-govern, and voluntarily remove their alt accounts from the leaderboard. The planed method opens the door to accusations and witch hunts, intended or not. I also support the idea that the check box is non-player reversible. You have to contact FF to uncheck the box. This will prevent stealth attacks on the leaderboards, as only FF has the ability to check for stealth attacks. For the record, not ALL of my AD "problematic" firsts have involved sacrifice.
vor 3 Jahre
Please consider making "coins" ( sort-type=1 ) the default view when people navigate to the "slash players" page. Currently, the default view is the Quests view. My reasoning is as follows: New players can never catch up on old quests missed. However, _anyone_ can catch up with the total coin count. Sure, it takes a lot of work, but someone signing up today could make the top 10 in a few months and eventually the top 3 spot. There is no way to go back in time and pick up lost quests, sadly, as I have missed a few while travelling and not having access to workable Internet. The coin total aka ( sort-type=1 ) is a goal that anyone can strive for, and anyone can build on without regard to when they joined the Angeldust community. I enjoy watching the coin leaderboard. It has been interesting lately with the battle for #1 and that makes both the web site more engaging and the game more fun. gg Hummmm #1 atm. Quests and Coins are both lifetime Angeldust achievements. However, of the two, only coins can be achieved by any player joining at any time. Creatures should be the 3rd after coins and quests. Coins, Quests, and Creatures are all possible by an individual player without the need for others to be involved. Join, explore, hunt, and work your way up these rankings. Hero Battle requires the cooperation of at least one other individual so that you can engage in PvP. Wonders requires your (Firefly's) discretion and unlike the other categories is the only one to receive actual game client recognition. What I mean by that is without visiting the web page, you can find the wonders from the game itself.
vor 3 Jahre
Thanks for the feedback so far, @Hummm, @ColtsWalker and @obi-. Quests became the premiere leaderboard when I introduced the feature, which seems exactly 960 days ago given Hummm's current quest count. I like promoting this leaderboard exactly because it involves something transient and fleeting. It's an indication of commitment to the craft so to speak. With the account shake-up, the barrier to first page lies at 140 quests instead of 649 yesterday. Page two is currently at 68. I think that sounds pretty reasonable if you want to invest in it. On the other hand I can see the appeal of coins being the default leaderboard due to its farmable nature. Though I think a large portion of farming coins is identical to quests, because of the 2K quest reward and the daily ~1K 'Play together!' bonus. Some more feedback from others is welcome on the topic. I'm open to rearranging leaderboard order, though I see no major problems with the current set up.
vor 3 Jahre
@UNIX: while unrelated to this forum topic, you bring a cool idea! A 'newbie' leaderboard where only recently created accounts are shown could be a nice motivation to start farming and make it into the big league later on. I'd have to be vigilant to not let experienced players dominate that leaderboard with secondary accounts (very relevant to this forum topic), so I have some design work to do. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll play with it in my mind.
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