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1 year ago
To fix the lag and hiccups recently plaguing the Angeldust website and Angeldust game server I'll migrate to a different data center. It's become apparent that the current hosting company can not provide a smooth service and I think the current experience is subpar for what I want to offer to you, the players. Angeldust is currently hosted in the EU. I have plans to migrate to a UK data center on relatively short term as testing shows much better connectivity to almost every part of the world. With Brexit the UK left the EU and it has its own UK-GDPR data privacy guidelines that slightly differ from EU-GDPR. I will do my best to comply with both sets of laws through my company, Metagaming B.V. If you have any objections to your personally identifiable data being stored within the UK, please e-mail me, PM me or post here publicly so I can close or anonymize your Angeldust account before migrating your data. For completeness, the personally identifiable data that is persistently stored on the Angeldust server is: 1.) your player name 2.) an undecipherable, irreversibly obfuscated, strongly encrypted hash value of your e-mail address for password reset purposes Feel free to ask questions, I'm here to answer! I will announce the actual server migration in a separate forum topic soon(ish).
1 year ago
Uhm, can us "request to close account" for some data stuff? Probably yes, but im worried on what it will happen in my account about this migration.
1 year ago
IMHO: unfounded worries. Did you read the list of PII?!? basically your player name, which is already on the LBs and forums. I can "learn" more about you on YT than that.
1 year ago
@TheLunimeYT: It's a bit awkward in public because others can read all of this too :-) But you can let me know here, in an e-mail or in a private message if you want me to remove your player name or the mangled hash of your e-mail address. Note that removing your player name means that others won't see you under your current name anymore, and someone else can register a new account with your current player name. Removing the mangled hash of your e-mail address means you can no longer use the password reset feature. Let me know which one(s) you want removed and I'll get on it right away!
11 months ago
I recently received a request based on EU-GDPR§3.15(1). After studying the relevant law (I am not a lawyer) I believe that the information I shared in the first post is incorrect, and that Angeldust player names are actually anonymous*, or the highest degree of pseudonymous. There is no practical way of associating any natural person by just their Angeldust player name. As such I believe an Angeldust player name doesn't fall under the definition of 'personal data' under EU-GDPR§1.4(1). The same holds for the unreadable, un-reversible, strong cryptographic hash value of e-mail addresses. I believe this data in itself is anonymous, as there is no way to associate a natural person just by this hash value. As such I believe this doesn't fall under the definition of 'personal data' under EU-GDPR§1.4(1) either. I'm open to alternative interpretations; just wanted to give an update on this matter after some careful consideration. *) I see the linguistic humor of a literal 'name' being 'anonymous'.
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