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8 months ago
Firefly actually thought of this and even looked into adding it but if I remember right there was a limit on how far you could see your claim / other people’s claims, and I think there was another issue I can’t remember.
8 months ago
you can only see the real info (blocks, claim owner etc etc) of your neighbouring 8 claims, the other claims would just be whatever was last loaded. so if someone claimed something and built there, and you haven't loaded in that claim, the map would of course show an empty unclaimed claim without any blocks (even tho there are player placed blocks there), which is exactly the same as it is now, but ofc without the claimed/not claimed part cuz thats not a feature yet.
8 months ago
This kind of ties into a feature obi has been asking for: Obi wants a command to pre-load chunks beyond the 8 surrounding claims, so that, for example, if he TPs to a Wonder, the World would already be synced to the client. Perhaps, the command/UI clunkiness could be solved with a button on the map that begins syncing the visible square of claims/chunks displayed on the map (and terminates early if you close it or change zoom levels) Buyer beware of clicking sync while a 512x512 map is displayed!
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