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8 years ago
What did I do? 1) Looked for the smallest zone of my favorite zone. 2) Created huge walls surrounding the entire zone to make borders clear for when I claim etc. 3) Form additional borders within the zone to see how many claims would be needed. (would've counted but kept dying to creatures) 4) Dig out every single block to the base including trees, basically demolish the entirety so I could start from scratch. 5) Threw up arms and abandoned the area in search of a new one. Let me explain.. so I basically found out things I should've thought about before starting, these are as follows: 1) Entire zones even the small ones seem to be bigger than you can possibly claim, in my case I was like 3-5 claims off and it was the smallest zone I've seen. 2) Trees! Yeah they are removable with the builders axe, however, there may be trees right outside your claim which poke through your blocks. (might be an issue in the future for locked world) 3) Crystals, the ones you cant remove. Obvious problem for when building but also those right outside your claim area, will radiate light and you can't shovel them out. 4) Keep in mind the creatures that spawn in adjacent areas, they won't be able to kill your blocks but they can still kill you or worse bury you and your claim in sand rock or snow. (you know those creatures, also might be a problem for locked world) I'm pretty ocd and a perfectionist about these things so I also like to plan and think ahead. I'm totally for and support locking the world by making it claim only building but it draws up some issues such as trees leaning into claims, irremovable crystals, and block throwing creatures. Possibly have those blocks have a sort of duration idk. But yeah, idk about you guys but I'll be spending a lot of time researching and hunting for that perfect spot :D If you guys have any tips or cautions to share please do, I don't wanna learn the hard way again! it hurts kek
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