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3 tahun lalu
Hallo everyone many people remember me as a crazy builder, I'm comming back to angeldust and to blogging. In the past I have made review about angeldust but it was 3 or 4 years ego and I must say Angeldust review was Top 3 topic on my blog. Soon I had to retire from blog due to family problem and my health, but now I'm back at gaming and blogging. That's why I will create new review becouse game changed so mutch. I think I will be able to poblicate review today or tommorow morning. I have made my mind that Angeldust must be on my blog. Before I end this topic, Blog is writhen in polish language but don't worry there is added translation option to the blog that will help you. In future I plan to rewrite posts to duo language posts english and polish. Here is the adress to the Blog mobilne-granko.blogspot.com Firefly you have made great game, maybe not yet but soon Angeldust will catch up to minecraft. All the Best. Have a nice day. I will post info about Angeldust topic progression on a blog.
3 tahun lalu
Review is ready :) https://mobilne-granko.blogspot.com/2021/04/angeldust-jest-gra-multiplayer-z.html
3 tahun lalu
I have re-corrected english version. Everything is finished now. https://mobilne-granko.blogspot.com/2021/04/angeldust-jest-gra-multiplayer-z.html FireFly it was my pleasure to create new review.
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