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Angeldust new review

di English di Forum

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3 tahun lalu

Hallo everyone many people remember me as a crazy builder, I'm comming back to angeldust and to blogging. In the past I have made review about angeldust but it was 3 or 4 years ego and I must say Angeldust review was Top 3 topic on my blog. Soon I had to retire from blog due to family problem and my health, but now I'm back at gaming and blogging. That's why I will create new review becouse game changed so mutch. I think I will be able to poblicate review today or tommorow morning. I have made my mind that Angeldust must be on my blog. Before I end this topic, Blog is writhen in polish language but don't worry there is added translation option to the blog that will help you. In future I plan to rewrite posts to duo language posts english and polish. Here is the adress to the Blog Firefly you have made great game, maybe not yet but soon Angeldust will catch up to minecraft. All the Best. Have a nice day. I will post info about Angeldust topic progression on a blog.

# 2



3 tahun lalu

I support this

# 3



3 tahun lalu

Just like I said I didn't made it now still in making proces. I will give info when will this be ready. Good Night everyone.

# 4



3 tahun lalu

Today at 22:00 I will publicate new review about Angeldust.

# 6



3 tahun lalu

Hey Zoltanus! I didn't recognise your name at first, but you're thoru44 (recognised the builds in your blog post) I read the blog post, pretty cool stuff, the translator was nice. Looking forward to the english version you talked about on discord :)

# 7



3 tahun lalu

Really, really cool! I love the images you added, as well your comparison of both the current version and the one you played years ago. In all, solid review, definitely a recommended read! Thanks for creating and sharing it here.

# 8



3 tahun lalu

I have re-corrected english version. Everything is finished now. FireFly it was my pleasure to create new review.

Pos 1–8 dari 8