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2 tahun lalu
Please help me, every time I log in to the game and enter, for some reason I demolish a bit of my home. Its because the shovel icon is switched on as soon as I enter and my mouse is facing the building. So by accident the spade will demolish bits of my home each time I log in. Has anyone got the same problem? (thats why my house looks the way it does LOL).
2 tahun lalu
@SodaMeow: over the years many players seem to have had this! It's sort of a running joke that you can see this one block missing in almost every house. I always thought this was players accidentally double-clicking the sign-in button. Are you saying that it's actually happening automatically? Can you perhaps make a screen recording of this and send it to me in a private message or e-mail (support@angeldu.st)? If I can figure out what causes this I can try and fix it for the Angeldust v3.19 update.
2 tahun lalu
I designed the game so that the player spawns facing their house. That feels very natural. I don't really want to mess with the initial view. However, I could make it so that no item is initially selected, teaching (forcing) the player to work with the hotbar. I could then also add a key to deselect all items (tilde/~ left of 1?). Not sure if that makes sense. If long-time players and wonder builders can share their thoughts that'd be helpful for guidance.
2 tahun lalu
When I first played, and logged into the game I see my character facing the house with the shovel. I know by instinct the shovel is needed for the house. So this is good for newbie. So we should not get rid of the shovel at start. I think you should add an option on the website to select the item to use on log in, like a drop down box same as the Pet option picker. https://instagram.fhkg4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e15/s640x640/272939762_607198727039634_7425944120387375405_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fhkg4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=5vEKlKMKXyQAX-emRcn&edm=ALQROFkBAAAA&ccb=7-4&ig_cache_key=Mjc2MTc1NzI0MTA1MDQyNTQ4NA%3D%3D.2-ccb7-4&oh=00_AT_Xkp2UTRDgWpp8kkYiqakd1xEMrtUgKTKTO8SrQUPLDA&oe=61FB4316&_nc_sid=30a2ef
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