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1 tahun lalu
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but stop making a new forum topic for every single sentence you want to type. You can create a single topic and spam that as full as you want with single sentences until I think it's too much, but I won't let you continue posting like this. Look at the 'forum activity' portion in the sidebar on the right: five out of seven topics there are single-sentence posts by you. That's not the way to communicate :-) So please, curb your enthusiasm or I will make it happen for you :D
1 tahun lalu
I know i know, im a autustic girl but doesnt ned to worry, firefly-san~
1 tahun lalu
I do worry. You are my guest and I need you to be respectful to my other guests and me. Fifteen minutes after I told you that your behavior of clogging up the forums is rude, you repeat that behavior as if I didn't warn you. Am I not clear enough? Here is me being clear: Stop creating new one-liner forum topics or I will limit your account for a week as a final warning before banning you. I am serious and I am not being cute, oh-so-random or tsundere here. If you feel the need to post one-liners, you can do so in an existing, *single* forum topic. That way you can write away freely while everybody can still use the forums and the website for other discussions. Do you understand?
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