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1 tahun lalu
Also i just noticed the map is working diffrently, it seems to load the whole thing instead of chunks per chunks, i wonder if it almost could have crashed at some point. When loading a bigger map, the game sounded like it was sufferring. (PS: Managed to crash the game with the map after i loaded Senevoy, now i have to re-load the whole place again)
1 tahun lalu
Updated: https://angeldu.st/static/webgl/ It now switches to browser-based text entry when touchscreen input is detected. It isn't pretty, but should work. @Ruan4K, @Loki The Witful and others: can you test again and see if this lets you get in-game now on your phones/tablets? I'd be super interested to hear your experience with the latency improvements when building. Based on @Angelio's feedback I limited view distance and set a lower default world map zoom. I know you all want 'MOAR GAEM', but I want to build a solid baseline. Web players can always upgrade to the full game if they want all luxuries and graphics. @obi-: does remapping controls work well enough for you to get things set up correctly? The game should remember the mapping between sessions. Text size is currently fixed to prevent mobile players from making their UI inaccessibly small. Can you send me a screenshot of the offset UI? And I'll look into the password crash.
1 tahun lalu
Remapping works, but by default they're by key content, not location. It should be the same for all layouts, by location I believe. The mobile input works. Input problem on pc version: You have to press t twice to start chatting, first press opens only the chat log, only the 2nd opens the chat input, in which you can then type. > Text size is currently fixed to prevent mobile players from making their UI inaccessibly small. Disable the option for mobile users? The forced massive text size makes the webgl version less preferable than the standalone client for desktop players.
1 tahun lalu
Updated: https://angeldu.st/static/webgl/ This should revert text input on "desktop" fully back to what regular Angeldust does. On "mobile" (touchscreen) you get the new text input system; still eager to hear some more testing. On "desktop" you also get back the text size menu option. I've removed 'build alone' and game replays from WebGL. Getting the data out of the browser is almost completely impossible and I don't want players losing stuff that they couldn't save in a useful format. The internal screenshot code is next on the chopping block. @obi-: not sure if I can fix the control mapping—it's a bug deep inside the browser abstraction layer I use. Nobody has been able to fix this bug for over six years. My code is correct and there is no way to work around it by me directly unless I fork the abstraction layer code and turn it into an unmaintainable mess. Which is not my preference :-)
1 tahun lalu
It's worki ng :O I managed to finally log in, the keyboard seems to work just fine, it even works on holo scrolls (haven't tested with naming claimings) one thing tho, I can't type in chat :∆ When I tested the building performace my honest reaction was "what? How?" The difference is simply ridiculous, WebGL is much faster. No crash until now, it only crashed when I forced to, opening the map in the telecharger and zoom out is asking for it to die... I simply touched buttons the fastest I could and it even poofed my game hud, then crash. In general, don't do more than 5x5 on map. About general performance, it does freezes sometimes on my device when I visit dense wonders as Neferspi and Bivoy, but in less polluted places it does run as it should.
1 tahun lalu
Updated: https://angeldu.st/static/webgl/ This new version is built on an experimental foundation. It might fix @obi-'s keyboard mapping problem, testing appreciated. Otherwise I'd ask everyone to try this version again because other things might have changed that I couldn't test yet. I fixed the sign-in crash so you can now enter incorrect passwords. Internal screenshots have been fully ripped out. Leftover problems are the UI offset that @obi- mentioned. A screenshot of non- and fullscreen would be helpful to diagnose. And I'm not sure what to do with the fullscreen button: is it okay to have this externally? Should it be in the options menu? Should I add it to the sign in screen now that play mode is useless? @Ruan4K: to chat you need to tap twice in this version. First tap opens the chat log, second tap opens the message entry. It's like this because the text entry box stops the entire game and I want players to first see that chat log that they might be replying to :-) Thanks for testing and I really like that your building experience is so much better in this. Imagine that the normal version gets this same improvement and you have best of both worlds!
1 tahun lalu
The key mapping isn't fixed. The key next to X, (my Y) brings up the contacts, and the key right of R (my Z) is the undo shortcut. I wonder if the keymapping is messed up for cyrillic keyboards cuz they have totally different keys. I don't know how to show the offset in a screenshot, I can describe it though. If you press on a button directly where it is shown on screen, it does nothing, if you press a bit below, it then presses the button. Fullscreen doesn't have this issue. The offset is about 1.3 buttons off.
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