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DEV: New Angeldust

di English di Forum

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11 bulan lalu

Livestream viewers know that I've been talking a lot about "New Angeldust" lately. It's a reimagining of Angeldust, focusing on creating a distinct look, including new graphical effects that I've revealed earlier. On yesterday's livestream I showed many screenshots to illustrate the direction I'm going in: Right now I want to address two specific points. First: yes—it's bright, it's vibrant. The screenshots look brighter than intended because of video encoding technicalities, but I am going for a super bright aesthetic. It's entirely contrary to Angeldust and that might make it hard to appreciate, especially for long-time players. I'll do my best to listen and steer things along to make something I believe in. Second: the savannah area. As the first major example of player-driven feedback I've turned around my plan to go for a 'green' savannah look. A lot of existing builds use the dry, tall grass block to emulate wheat, and I agree that it's a very useful thing to have. So I'm now going for the most golden wheat you've ever seen, balancing between builder needs and overall game experience. Call me Wheaty McWheatface because this grass is looking fire now! :D

# 2



11 bulan lalu

You got me FF. i like aestethic! Even fairycore! Hahahh

# 3



11 bulan lalu

if you can give us a demo version for us to test that will be poggers

# 4


(GM) SodaMeow

11 bulan lalu

Real Magic going on.:D

# 5



11 bulan lalu

@(GM) SodaMeow true soda chan

# 6



11 bulan lalu

Dream come to hell yaaah

# 7


Loki The Witful

11 bulan lalu

I will gladly test a it private or public just give me the AD EYE CANDY!!!! ;)

# 8



11 bulan lalu

I am a PC gamer only. I run Linux, (Specifically Linuxmint atm.) If you need another tester let me know. I am looking forward to the improved colors and look. I am also looking forward to the post that says only a week away for its release :-)

# 9



11 bulan lalu

A demo version is one of my first goals. I want to work out all natural biomes to get a feel for what the game world should look like. Then I'll create a new WebGL version out of it so everyone can give it a shot. There's a lot of technical hurdles to tackle, but the road is clear.

# 10


(GM) SodaMeow

11 bulan lalu

Can't wait for the demo version, I will block my time for this!:D Any clues when this will be ready so I can stock up on the crimson drink and all that! Hehe!

Pos 1–10 dari 21

1 2 3 » Lanjut