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How to play

di English di Forum

Pos 11–14 dari 14

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# 11


Kamikaze Justice

3 bulan lalu

@obi... what is so tough about downloading and reading a PDF file? I've downloaded many how-to PDF files/pamphlets/books. They're high quality, and very helpful. The PDF file can have a Table of Contents, and Index, just like any book. They can be read on the website before, or without downloading.

# 12


Loki The Witful

3 bulan lalu

Okay I got it, we need a info page on the website. My idea is that we get a new spot on the website that will have small info taps that we could go though to learn how to play AD or just random tips. And because it will be hosted on the website it can easy be updated and extended without having to update the game itself, and to make it more convenient we could add a new button to the game a info button that would take you straight to this new spot. I think this could be a great way to help new players learn how to play AD, and if other think this could work I gladly volunteer to help make it any way I can. AD web info concept idea

# 13



3 bulan lalu

hahaha ... Loki wants to ad 500Mb of JS and npm libraries to FF pristine HTML only website... good luck on that one!

# 14



3 bulan lalu

Bruh hummm first type normal words and rost loki.

Pos 11–14 dari 14

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