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9 bulan lalu
This is the officially recorded first page—top 18—of Angeldust Season 3.5 (2024-05) coin rankings: 1. Kamikaze Justice — 2,010,424 and then 2. kross9093 — 347,883 3. Вельхеор — 323,074 followed by 4. Hummm — 202,206 5. XiTO — 168,165 6. Torama — 166,651 7. kr0tic — 163,545 8. Aashish — 127,430 9. Mr Monkey — 125,750 10. SodaMeow — 117,221 11. Persephone — 111,017 12. RIIMSKII — 109,074 13. SkyJimjim — 105,289 14. cackhonglo — 104,519 15. Rosemary_ — 101,649 16. KILLHIMS — 97,699 17. JackBlind — 96,088 18. datnguxidan — 94,112 I don't know where to begin or what to write anymore. @Kamikaze Justice dunks on everyone by setting a new record of 2MM coins in one month. Hunters in shambles. Most Angeldust players (including me) might never even get to 2MM coins in their lifetime, let alone in a month. It's been fun and insane to watch this unfold in real time. Congratulations to KJ for this enormous achievement, I hope many of you post a reply to this topic to commemorate this spectacular event! Looking beyond KJ's record, we have @kross9093 and @Вельхеор finishing close together in second and third place. Any other month your coin totals could've been enough to get first place, but you know how it goes. Still, congratulations on your top-three places; I've added the medals to your accounts. Shoutout to some familiar names in the list: @Hummm, @Torama, @Mr Monkey, @SodaMeow and @Persephone. Thank you for being in the game and on the livestream as much as you are! For anyone wishing to be as cool as KJ: you can try in the new season! We're off to a bit of a rocky start due to some server problems, but I'm sure the rest of the month will be a smooth ride. Start grinding today and you could see your name pop up in the next season summary! Have fun playing! :D
9 bulan lalu
GG Man I really should try to get on this leaderboard, maybe after KJ retires from it heh
9 bulan lalu
FF... thank you, for the acknowledgement! Kinjal... thank you, for those words! Hummm... thank you! But, isn't this game costing you and I a lot of real life already? I might as well grab a part of AD history, even if it's a small part. I could go after your all-time record, but I couldn't do that to my wife. Loki... thank you! After an entire month of grinding, and doing an average of 65k a day, I won't even try to compete against anyone who wants to do the same. I'm retired from that. It's all yours, Loki ;) And good luck! [How it happened] At first, I was just working on the Creatures leaderboards, but one thing led to another. It happened when Hummm asked me, if I was doing the Monthly coins. At that moment, I decided to include the Monthly coins competition. It would be like walking, and chewing gum at the same time... right? So I broke Hummm's monthly record (of around 711,000) with 1.2 million. But I thought that record was flimsy when baymler got over 800k last month. So I decided to do much better, and got the 2 million. There should be an all-time leaderboard for the Monthly coins. Or, this "achievement", or craziness, will be like the morning dew on grass. It'll disappear, and then be forgotten.
9 bulan lalu
Congratulations @Kamikaze Justice! Once you start you can never stop...heh! :D
9 bulan lalu
Thank you, Soda! I'm the Energizer Bunny. How does a bunny say,"meow!"? And thanks again, Kinjal ;) I think I'd need 60 hours a day to do 5 mil..
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