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Land Claim Issues/Questions

di English di Forum

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8 tahun lalu

Obviously there are going to be griefers stealing bases from people by claiming the land they are built on and I want to know how that will be dealt with. This isn't much of an issue for those who have 10x10 bases that can easily be remade BUT It's a HUGE deal for those like me who've worked several hours on large projects My base is around 110 x 60 x 40, ( I plan on expanding still) And from the looks of this upcoming claim land update it looks like someone can just login before I can after the update is made and steal ALL of MY base and MY hours of work WITHIN SECONDS Now about my questions, is there any way that this can be prevented from happening? (besides trying to be first to claim my base land, I can't outdo multiple base stealers staying up all night to take my base over with land claims) Would FireFly remove any base stealing land claims made on my base if that were to happen? If so, how can I prove that I'm not just some random base stealer who's also trying to claim this base too? All I really have is my word, the word of those that I've brought to my base and the reasons for my base design :/

# 2



8 tahun lalu

I reckon the world could be reset when it comes into play. If it's kept the same then just keep saving and don't tell anyone where your base is until you've claimed the land you need.

# 3



8 tahun lalu

All your base are belong to us.

# 4



8 tahun lalu

No claim at all, i fear too mutch the backfire. Giant undeletable swastikas, base squatting etc... If claim Will be, plz let peep work together. #skrew no way to keep base safe with a friend list :D

# 5



8 tahun lalu

sorry bad link to bad meme

# 6



8 tahun lalu

Only the owner of the land will be able to build on it and if they build something offensive then it'll probably be reported and removed along with a ban for that player.

# 7



8 tahun lalu

I remember that game captain lol. the translation was awful in it hahaha. Can't remember the name of it though. Zero something I think

# 8



8 tahun lalu

I remember that game captain lol. the translation was awful in it hahaha. Can't remember the name of it though. Zero something I think

Pos 1–8 dari 8