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RFC: New player experience

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 66

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# 21



3 năm trước

The thai and indo flag dint show up while talking or in the holo scrol

# 22



3 năm trước

Talking on dm to be exacly

# 23



3 năm trước

@fatih+: Right now the game intentionally hides the new flags for private messages and holo scrolls. The 'current'/'old' Angeldust v3.16 crashes when seeing them. Once everyone is on the Angeldust v3.17 update, I'll turn the new flags back on. They are stored and active on the server, just not showing in the client currently. Also: you don't happen to speak Indonesian or Thai? I could use some proofreaders and/or translators :P

# 24



3 năm trước

I dont speak thai but i can speak indo :))

# 25



3 năm trước

Hi all! I'm Fierro. Yesterday I came back to try it out again after two years. In case you don't remember me, I was a very active player a few years ago. I played this game for 900h on Steam, using Linux and gamepad. I made a lot of friends on this game and I loved it. I tried to see it with fresh eyes. I must confess that I was lost. I had a very hard time trying to figure out everything. I was one of the top player, I remember a lot, but even so it was very hard to me. Eventually I figured out, I found how to control it. It was very difficult, descriptions acout controls are hidden on one link in the web site and they were confussing. This must be inside the game, quick and easy. How to recover my mount was a pain. How to get how to talk private with friends or with everybody again was a pain. After I talked private with a friend, I took me a lot of time to figured out how to talk to everyone again. And this happened to me with many features while I was playing and testing. I was lost and I was a hard-core player. And the game didn't change a lot since last time I played it. I think that I feeled the same that many new players. I was lost. I don't want to be hard. I really love this game. But UI is far away from be user friendly. It doesn't need more texts. It need another design, an intuituive design. And everything must be inside the game. I didn't remember what did every tool. They are no way to know it. It would be great if tools had descriptions somewhere (inside the game). There are no objectives, quests, guides, nothing to help me to explore, advance and discover everthing. And I know that there are a lot behind this game, but it's hidden. Some thing opinionable. I think the village doesn't work. It's a huge mostly empty place. With no objetives. I know, you build your house there. ¿But why you can't choose your house in any other place on the world? It's part of the game design and it would be hard to change today, but It doesn't work. It doesn't bring anything usefull to the table. Not in ther current form. And every new player starts there. The village could be like a guide into Angeldust. You could have some NPC on your house that guide you. A master to teach you. And you could have NPCs to interact and have another dimension. There are no economic system. It's a design decision and it's ok. But it have consecuences. You discover/learn every block/creature and it's done. End game. Gold is not useful. There are no economic system on place. There are no resources. It's not a bad thing, again, it's a game design decision and it's ok. But you need to compensate that lack with something else then. The combat system is flat. Very simple. Creatures are all mostly the same. There are some variation on attacks but that's all. It would be great if we had dungeons or zones with challenging mosters. Bosses (real bosses) with adds (other NPCs working in tandem). More complex mechanics using artifacts and battleground. All the combat system is: clicky, clicky, clicky until the end of the times. The more advanced (?) strategy is use some tree o thing to block, fly a bit, avoid an attack. It's just don't die and keep clicking. But if you die, nothing happends. Hardest creatures just takes more (a lot, too much) of time. It turns very bored. It would be great if you need to use block (like an skill), attack (really different attacks with different effects on different enemies), artifacts on place, learn mechanics (specific mechanic for every boss), etc. PvP doesn't works. The combat system is too flat and simple to make a fun PvP. The build system of this game is great. It's the best by far. I love it. Somethings can be better always, but it's well done. It's the best of the game. That's the best, and new players can't build togheter from start. That's a missing opportunity. Would be great if new players starts on zone where everyone can build toghter, with a lot of different blocks of every kind to start. With examples of things that can build around them. With a guide or quest system to make them build things and so get a better feeling of the game from the start. Some voxel games like this has a blueprint system. Users can create blueprints, share them, use them (to build pre-disegned complex things). It's a idea that could add a new dimension to the game. I'm sure I'm missing other things. But the most important is: the UI is very confuse. There are no help or descriptions insde the game. There are no guide. There are no objectives or quest system. Dumb creatures, too basic combat system. It's repeat and repeat, click and click. It gets boring quickly. It takes a lot of time to get to the best of the game (the build system) and you will lost the players before that. And if someone gets to that, there no guide, targets or incentives to continue. The game needs some progression on every stage to keep players playing. It's needed an intuitive graphical international UI more than new translations. Try to avoid text but add descriptions when they are needed. I found a litle bug. Some creatures go underground while walking/running for a while. Looks like a collision problem. It didn't happened years ago. I love this game. It has great potential. But it has to polish a few things to attract more and more players and keep them interested for a long time. Greetings and keep improving. I have a good feeling and great memories about this game and old friends.

# 26



3 năm trước

@Fierro ... Welcome back! I suspect many of your complaints would go away if you started a new account. Coming back after 2 years onto an account that already has over 1.9M coins and every 'standard' thing already discovered, is not the same experience that the typical new person gets. Join us on Discord, we'll get you up to speed quickly.

# 27



3 năm trước

BTW, there's nothing that prevents players from starting to build something when they hit "Play Together" ... a separate "Build Together" button is totally not necessary.

# 28



3 năm trước

Underground Weedler death and resulting loss of coins is not a bug, in the developer's eyes. It was an intentional AI game change that makes the game more interesting. There are several other creature AI changes that are left to the player to discover.

# 29



3 năm trước

This post was translated from Angelian to whatever obi thinks is readable. obi translation / TL;DR: Unrelated or related to Fierro's post: Last stream obi suggested creating an NPC to guide the player, but that might be a lot of work. A simpler thing to do might be a "guide book" item in game, which once used, opens the book that contains basic stuff about the game. Could be formatted in a very similar way to the documentation Firefly already did in the past. ------------------------ Actual Angelio post: ATTENTION : I do not expect this to be added, thank you for your attention. It's interesting what Fierro has said besides the fact that it's been a long time since someone said that much about specific fact. What I felt from what he said was that all of the problems that Fierro faced are linked to one and the same problem: the lack of guidance. One could wonder "Ok but then why does Minecraft dosen't " really "have a guide but players understand how it works?". Because Angeldust is not Minecraft, Angeldust evolves in a very different path from the other game. It seems obvious to me that a guide is needed. Except that, the guide, it already exists, but it don't think that all new players would ask themselves "Hey, what if I go to the forum on the Angelust website to search in each topic all the documents that Firfely to post explaining more about how the game works in maybe in addition in a language i don't speak if i'm not familliar with english? ". Obviously players won't do that! What are those players expecting then? My awnser is all they need would be ALREADY IN THE GAME. This is where I will finally star telling you what I am suggesting. I think that even if programming by one guy an NPC for each player guiding them is possible, it is still complicated and time consuming. I am going to quote a game called "Animal Crossing Pocket Camp" the reason why I quote this game is that there is IN THE GAME a book being the guide with all the tips necessary to understand the basics of the game classified by different categories . I will also quote another game "Dragon Quest of the Star" the particularity of this one is that the guide that is also in the game is classified by level of familiarity in the game, basically the more you get used to the game , the more you can search for "complex" information. And so finally comes what I suggest: constantly available like a Book logo on the screen that u can click anytime, a book gathering all the documents that Firefly has made and can be much more, and classified by category from the simplest to understand TO the most complex throught the familiarity that the player has with the game, and all of that DIRECTLY IN THE GAME. The big risk are the translation, if the guide is translated in all the available language through Google translate (to make it faster and easier) a wrong translation could make players still not understand even with the guide.

# 30



3 năm trước

true what Fierro says about the game should have many more functions cheats powers etc. oh and I remembered I have seen that to write in the game the clipboard does not work to put the translated words to reduce the time possible in translating and writing, or it would be best if you added automatic translator as it works with quick phrases like ok lets go, etc those phrases are always understood, it is translated according to the flag that is

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 66

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