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RFC: New player experience

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 66

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# 31


Mayckon Mz

3 năm trước

Hm...hi!! Well, I think Angeldust is very good, it was one of the games I played the most! I remember the first time I played it kkkk, it was very good! I was very disoriented, I didn't understand anything, so I think there should be a tutorial on this game, maybe the newbies would like it. Then that's it! •u•""

# 32



3 năm trước

@Fierro: thanks for sharing your thoughts… it's a lot to digest in one go, especially coming from a long-time player like you. I'm honored that you came back and posted here to make the game better. I tried to write up responses, but I can't seem to find a good mindset at the moment. There's just so much to untangle and digest, I don't know where to start and where to take it. @Angelio: a book with tips sounds like a useful addition, but given Fierro's post it seems that 'more words' isn't going to solve underlying issues. Is the problem not just 'familiarity'? I believe (tell me I'm wrong) that Angeldust's UI and game flow pretty well once you've played an hour. Is the problem then not simply that no streamers / YouTubers are playing to show people how it works and what you do? The other game has this covered really well.

# 33



3 năm trước

Fierro, you have some really good points in your post. I was only just thinking the other day how easy it would be to forget what each of the photon blocks does exactly, or what blocks make an NPC do what. It would be good to find all of this information without the need to close or minimize the game to look the information up. Maybe Angelio's book idea is the way to go with that. Next. You are also right, I think, with what you say about the Village. There must be thousands of empty plots in it that make it unsightly and the area does not offer the player any insight into furthering themselves in the game. There are only the photon machines there, which both do and don't help players with building with the photon blocks. They do help players build basic circuits, but don't show us everything that is possible nor do they answer all of our photonic questions. Which brings me to the point where I feel the need to explain my previous thoughts on the photon system to you Firefly. What I mean by it being too complicated is that several times I have come up with ideas for either games or other inventions using the photon system, which should have been possible to build, but I gave up on them because it would have been way too complicated and messy to actually build it. Now I need to define what I mean by messy, I mean you can not have two different photon conduits for two different circuits or even the same circuit run side by side. You can not cross one photon conduit over or under another photon conduit either. Therefore circuit design has to be on a whole heap bigger scale than what would usually fit into any normal build scale. I have thought about possible solutions and the best I could come up with is a system whereby the builder completes a circuit, like a light switch for example, by first clicking on the photon initiator and then clicking on the photon block with the photon conduit selected, and that would lay a thin flat tube from point a to point b. I will also propose that two more types of photon blocks be made available. The first new block I would call an insulated photon conduit/wire. Whilst the original photon conduit I propose to be un-insulated (which it is anyway). Therefore in existing builds, nothing about the original photon conduits abilities has been changed only it's shape will be different. You could make the conduit sticker thin and it adheres to any nearby blocks like walls, floors, roofs. The real progress towards tidying up photonics will come with the insulated photon conduit, which you would give properties that insulate it from other conduits and photon blocks. Therefore giving the builder the ability to lay conduits side by side or even crossing over or under each other. Which will allow us to scale down our photon machines. The second new block will also help to reduce the overall size of photon machines. It will be the delay timer block, an adjustable time delay in seconds. Once again there is no effect at all on older builds a win win in my opinion. It will reduce the need to build long photon conduit delay circuits that take up space. Now on to how to make NPC control easier and tidier. Let's say you want to move NPC (Fred) in a big circle (Square). A new tool is to be created for building, which only requires 1 tile on the customizable toolbar. Once the tool (NPC guideline) is activated, all you would have to do is first, click on the ground where Fred is standing now, then click on the ground where you want Fred to go next, be that North, East, South or West. A line will appear as soon as you click on the starting point extending into your characters back and as you walk further away the line extends with you. When you click on the end point a dialog box appears asking if you want to add another point Y/N. So you click Y and then turn 90 degrees and start walking towards the next point. If you are not in a straight line, the line changes colour to red or something and you are unable to place a point, but you can hit escape at any time to abort. You then finish the second leg of Fred's circle (square) track by clicking on the ground where you want Fred to be standing, ready for the next leg. Select Y, turn 90 degrees again and repeat. On completion of clicking on the last point of Fred's track, simply click N on the dialog box and Fred starts walking the path. This method of control, means you can make paths of any length on any terrain without the need for messy underground blocks or surface stickers. You could be even smarter and provide the ability to use diagonal paths, North East, South West etc. I see that this change will not have to initially cause problems for existing builds because you could phase out the use of photon blocks and stickers over time. I had to write this because you are asking players for their honest opinions and it has always been on my mind that these two issues could one day be addressed even though it is complicated. I have always run into problems with my builds when it comes to complicated photon machines or NPC control and it leaves me frustrated because I can't get either of them to do what I want, in the place that I want them to, and to make it look good as well. Because I mostly build in this game, that is what I have the most opinion on. However I do also hunt and I have tried PVP, but found PVP frustrating and not enjoyable. I have a laptop and a mouse and I have difficulty targeting anyone in that mode, so I can imagine someone on a mobile phone trying to play PVP, I'm sure some can master it, but to me it's meh, I'm not into it, it's a bit too simple and boring for me. I also have a huge amount of experience in Art, Digital Art and even game development and programming to a lesser extent. I've been a gamer for most of my life as well, because I was born even before space invaders debuted. So I know what most successful games are made of. But I don't know everything and I'm just offering my two cents worth, because you are asking us. I knew I also had to try and explain what I meant in my previous post. I know that my concerns don't necessarily effect only new players. However those players that choose to play to build might get to the point of buying photon stuff and NPC's and then skip it because they think it's too hard and loose interest.

# 34



3 năm trước


# 35



3 năm trước

Reading all of these responses, from veterans even, makes me believe the game has a big learning curve... and actually needs some sort of in-game guide/documentation on basics (game basics, photon basics, npc basics etc.) Even tho "more words" wouldn't be the way, it could be a good start? Perhaps the wiki idea could get revived here, which could then be thrown into the game as a book item.

# 36



3 năm trước

@Rob12: thanks for writing a weighty tome… I'm not sure if I understand all your ideas fully yet (being a non-builder), but I'll reread soon to better get what you are saying. As a non-sequitor I link Angeldust Creator Kit which contains all NPC-and-block interactions: You could print that to have documentation as hardcopy. @Angelio: such a contrast compared to other posts. Is your post an exclamation of frustration? What's up?

# 37



3 năm trước

@Rob: You don't actually need a million markers on the ground, you can make NPCs walk forever by using a trick documented in the creator kit firefly posted. If you use the trick, you need two markers only on the corners; one to stop the NPC, one to turn him. I'm pretty sure you can cross conduits pretty easily, just don't make corners on top of other conduits, as that will cause a split.

# 38



3 năm trước

Angelio toxic, ban

# 39



3 năm trước

@Obi: I Understand the trick quite well and even employ it a few times, but it was not the main aim of my proposed changes. That was to eliminate the use of photon blocks and stickers especially so that those things can be used as decorations, floor coverings etc without playing havoc on NPC's and to try and make it simpler. The trick is also something most people don't get. I did not know you could cross conduits, I thought the top one would leak into the lower one. But if the top one goes straight ahead and so does the lower one then that's a handy plus, which I didn't know. Maybe I'm still not explaining myself properly?

# 40



3 năm trước

I'm basing my thought's on the photon system on another similar game that I play which has electrical gadgets in it, with switches lights, timers, even memory chips and logic gates, sensors, doors and chests and digital keypads for entering codes, even an electrical projection system. But the wiring is done by a special wiring tool that simply joins 2 parts together with a straight blue line, to show that the wire is active. When you close your wiring tool the wires disappear. It makes wiring stuff in that game very easy. Without 50 miles of conduit.

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 66

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